Lifestyle Spirituality

You Find Peace When You Commit To Peace

You find peace when you commit to peace.

It’s a choice.

It’s a trade-off.

You choose peace.

Now you have to change some things in your life.


You are addicted to your outside pursuits.

You are addicted to stimulation.

You are addicted to drama.

You are addicted to your past.

Do you think it helps you be more peaceful?


Some think they can cover their inner turmoil with peacefulness.

They act calmly when they are seething inside. They organise every single thing they’re going to do every day every week every month. They fucking meditate every morning, right before they open their mail, their social media, and keep it on for the rest of the day.


Peace is not something that you gain.

It’s something you lose yourself to.

You have to give up your tumultuous identity to know peace.

You have to firmly give it up. Commit to giving it up.

And then, then you must be vigilantly watchful – so that you are not dragged back into it.


You must watch yourself.

You must watch yourself in your work.

Watch yourself in your leisure.

Watch yourself in your reactions.

Watch yourself in your choices.

And when you watch yourself – you see yourself – and you see what is – and you can also choose – how you’re going to react to it.

And you will choose peace.

Because things will be happening, on the outside.

If you truly seek peace – your outside will be peaceful too.

But ultimately – peace is on the inside – and you must discover it within yourself – and you must choose it.