Lifestyle Spirituality

The Reality Is The Ideal

You can only comprehend so much elevation.

Different reality is innately incomprehensible – by the virtue of it being different. This is axiomatic.

“Better” reality is different reality. It is therefore incomprehensible.


Since you fail to comprehend it as it is — you use symbols to represent it

For your symbol to represent enhancement, or “perfection” — it necessarily must be an idealisation — so that it is positively distinguished from your current reality.

Thus you imbue your symbol with all your different ideas of “perfection” and “ideal”.


Now, all your ideas are actually derived from reality. They may be recorded inaccurately — but they are all based on reality.

You take those snapshots of reality and put them all together to create the ultimate ideal, ultimate idealisation, ultimate idea of “perfection”. It serves as an ultimate symbol of betterment.

You can use this symbol as an inspiration, use that symbol as an escape, use that symbol as a yoke…

You can use that symbol in some beneficial, creative, inspiring ways.

And you can use it in million detrimental ways, in which it becomes the barrier between you and reality, you and real life, you and life at all.

Which is ironic and tragic: for what once represented reality, and was conceived from it (from your observations of reality) — has now became it’s twisted replacement


…And we all become so tragically enamoured with false idealisations and false ideals…

And so one day, if you’re tremendously lucky — you may rediscover the obvious — which is that:

The REALITY actually IS THE IDEAL !!

That the reality contains all your little ideas of perfection and ideal — that’s where you found those ideas in the first place.

And not merely in your memory: which itself is largely an illusion, and an instrument of your escape (from living, now, which is the only time to live)

All your ideals are there, in real life, right in front of you, it’s just:

You simply disregard them


You simply disregard them, for a million reasons:

-to keep the illusion alive

-out of fear

-out of your habitual indolence

-out of epistemic inertia and stubbornness

-out of ego

-and more

and you’ve been harbouring your little dream for so long now and reiterating your little delusions of perfection that you’ve entirely lost touch with the beauty of reality, with it’s innate perfection


…and i don’t say it lightly

You lost touch with reality — and even if you didn’t — you can comprehend only so much elevation, so much improvement, so much advancement, so much benefit

The reality really is infinitely perfect, infinitely glorious, infinitely gorgeous, infinitely amazing.

It’s our will which is lacking

It’s our appreciation which is lacking

And if you truly started living

and truly started seeing…

then your IDEALS and IDEALISATIONS would PALE in comparison

and once you finally let go of them, of feeding that terrible delusion — would be when reality would explode in million colours,

only imagine

imagine how much freer you’d be without the burden of expectations, comparisons, standards, beliefs


Please take a moment to appreciate this curious mechanism of idealisation and symbol-making and dreaming,

Once you understand it you can transcend it,

And once you’re free of it — you can only imagine what’s possible,

All your dreams DO become reality,

Or rather, REALITY becomes a dream,

Not dreaming a dream,

LIVING a dream,

EVERYTHING becomes a dream,


first you must let go of the dream,

let go of your ideas of perfection and idealisations and beliefs about what is good and what is bad,

you must let go the idea,