Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality

Only The Next Step Matters


each part of the “whole” is whole on it’s own account

no part of the whole is less relevant then the whole itself

that’s because part of the whole IS the whole

or rather – there is no “part of the whole”. everything is whole


each step you make is the journey

each journey you make is a step


step is never less relevant then the journey because step IS the journey


When you put journey over it’s constituent steps – know that you are already in your head, playing the game of life, telling the story of life, and not living it, not in touch with it, stuck only with your idea of it.


The story doesn’t matter. The path doesn’t matter.

Only the VERY NEXT STEP matters.


Story is not an action. Narrative is not an action. NEXT STEP is THE ACTION.


Strip your goals off narratives. Crystallise your actions into purely inspired.


Things start happening when you act simply and directly.