Lifestyle Philosophy

Perfection Vs Mediocrity

Perfection vs mediocrity is a false dichotomy

Perfectionism and mediocrity are both confusion,

both are failures of understanding


Perfectionism is a delusion

You held delusional, non-existing standard in your mind

Then you delusionally claim to be moving towards it

You’re not moving towards it. You’re moving nowhere.

You’re not moving towards it because your standard doesn’t exist. It’s a fantasy.

It’s a fantasy produced in your naive and insecure psyche

You liked the idea of something more then you liked the thing

And you liked the idea of yourself achieving something “perfect” more then you liked the thing

If you were a serious doer — then maybe you wouldn’t be so ignorant to let yourself be deluded by such foolish fantasy


Is mediocrity a viable response to the sickness of perfectionism?

It’s obviously not.

Nevertheless you may find someone justify his stagnation as preferring to “rather do something than nothing!”

Obviously do something. Nothing is nothing.

But make that something actually better than nothing

Or else it’s nothing anyway.

Make it well

It’s ok to fail — it’s NOT ok to suck

Mediocrity is indeed this failure to understand the necessity of improving

If you’re not improving it then you’re wasting it

Don’t waste it


Do it well or don’t do it at all

It obviously doesn’t have to be perfect, nor should be

But it must be done WELL