Philosophy Spirituality

The Transformative Power of Sincerity and Plainness

Be sincere be plain be transparent be simple be honest be vulnerable be naive

Make yourself known and obvious and transparent to the world, to those around you, to those you meet, to everyone you interact with


Because once you’re honest with the world — you can be honest with yourself


Once you’re honest with the world — you can be honest with yourself

Once the world sees WHO YOU ARE — YOU SEE WHO YOU ARE

When you project to the world some other image then who you are — then the world responds to someone else

And then you start partly believing that falsehood

You can never truly believe it — because deep within you always know something’s amiss

But you become confused

And it’s hard to operate when there’s confusion

It’s hard to make things work when there is confusion


But once you’re utterly sincere and plain and transparent to the world — a TRANSFORMATION occurs

Once you REVEALED yourself to the world, once you REVEALED your PLAN to the world — you now have SKIN IN THE GAME

It is now REAL

The bridges are burned

The world KNOWS

And once you can no longer hide it — you lose your own perverse incentive to refuse to accept it

Now that the WORLD KNOWS — you yourself MIGHT AS WELL ADMIT IT too


And the temptation to NOT admit it, to NOT ACCEPT THE TRUTH ABOUT ONESELF — it is powerful

Never underestimate the extent to which you want to delude yourself with the false narratives about yourself


Beware of false sincerity, obviously

From the times of the royal courts to the times of social media and personal brands — humans weaponized the information about themselves

You can broadcast an entire identity with an entire biography — and every single part of that will be a lie

You can be completely deluded to what it even means to be honest and real and sincere

You believe it to be this over-sharing of this fake image you created, or cherry-picked aspects of you which you wish were the actual truth about you



It’s not what you think defines you

It’s not what you think the world wants to hear

It’s not the volume, not how much you say

It’s not how many people hear it and see it

It’s not false vulnerability

All of the above is already FILTERED

It already passed a filter of what you believe BEING REAL is

How do you get it unfiltered?



Mind you — you YOURSELF don’t have the full access to what you actually feel and think and want,

But AS you continue REOWNING who you are, more and more — then MAKING A STAND FOR IT — by OWNING IT PUBLICLY — the truth about yourself becomes clearer and clearer

And then you continue ACCEPTING that TRUTH

And you continue REVEALING it to the world

And as you do — you become more ready for the truth

And thus it’s this positive upward loop of TRUTH about yourself

The very opposite of the downward spiral of self-delusion and fake appearances



—ASSUME that people can SEE THROUGH YOU

—ACT as though people were able to SEE RIGHT THROUGH YOU


Be simple about being simple

And once you can be honest with yourself — a PROFOUND TRANSFORMATION occurs


And then you can DO WHAT YOU WANT

And BE what you want to be, actually

But everything ever begins with the truth

There’s the truth — there’s what is — there’s how things work — and you WORK with that — or fail

So begin with utter sincerity, transparency, honesty