Philosophy Spirituality World

Criticism as Betterment

There’s who you are, what you believe, what your goals and values are

There’s what you do

THIS is what matters

Does it matter what someone else does?

Only to the extent to which it overlaps with your own values and goals and actions


There’s who you are, what you do…

For as long as that doesn’t overlap with who someone else is and what they’re doing — then, obviously — someone else is absolutely IRRELEVANT

Someone else is a distraction, truly

If you were busy with your goals (which don’t overlap with someone else’s) — you wouldn’t have time to pay attention to others


Most criticism is distraction

Most criticism is insecurity, and pride

Most criticism is diminution, unproductive, destructive


Most criticism is distraction.

When you’re inspired by a meaningful, noble purpose — you really don’t have time for anything else. It would be a waste of your resources


Most criticism is insecurity, pride.

You’re insecure of your place in the world, your validity, your survival. Therefore you must continuously attack everyone else, put them down a peg, bring them to your level, and ask the world to validate your place. (AND it can happen to the best of us — the sickness of deep insecurity)


Most criticism is diminution, unproductive, destructive.

Most criticism is uncreative. It takes what already is and takes it apart.

Doing things is creative. Creativity materialises new things.

AND doing new things will make criticism seem like a waste of time.



Now that you’re doing things and creating things,

(rather then distracting yourself with your stupid critiques, false scepticism, false contemplating)

now let’s assume that you, your values, your goals and your actions — actually overlap with someone else

What happens now?

What happens now are two simple things:

—You still do what you do — to the best of your ability — given the circumstances

—You say what you think


You still do what you do. You have goals. You have your vision.

Sometimes your vision involves others. Sometimes it doesn’t. Sometimes you work with others. Often you work with others.

You work with others to further your ends and their ends.

Your relationship, your organisation seeks to maximize those outcomes.

And when this arrangement is perhaps working less ideally then you expected — you make CHANGES.

You COMMUNICATE your expectations — seeking to bring about improvements.

This communicate is of course “criticism”.

You communicate where you see improvements.


Is there ego involved? Pride involved? Philosophy involved?

There might be — and then it’s to the detriment of the organisation.

Because the aim of the organisation is not you feeling good about yourself, not you being proud of yourself, not you being always right.

YOUR AIM is NOT you feeling good about yourself, not you being proud of yourself, and not you being always right.

Your aim is your AIM. Your goal is your aim.

This is what fair criticism is. It serves your GOALS. It serves a purpose.

And it serves the goals of those involved.


Likewise there’s who you are

Should you ever CONCEAL WHO YOU ARE?

Very short term you may benefit from being more flexible — as you’re navigating the world of discordant hierarchies.

But long term — what do you think is going to be the outcome of you BETRAYING YOU?

Don’t betray you.

Convey you.

And always give the truth.


…and always give the truth.

And this truth will be “CRITICISM”

WHO YOU ARE — THAT already is criticism.

Your BEING represents a certain way of doing things and certain beliefs and attitudes

And those beliefs and those attitudes and those actions of yours — will invariably be OFFENSIVE TO SOME.

And you must NEVER EVER flinch from being a little offensive, or a lot offensive.

You should never seek it. But you should never run from it.

OWN who you are

And that invariably is a very very powerful criticism.



There’s the criticism by the prideful insecure weaklings There’s the criticism by the ambitious ladder climbers. There’s the criticism by the hateful false “sceptics”. There’s the criticism by the false “thinker”.

But then there’s the criticism which is aimed at nothing else but the improvement of the situation at hand

It is INSEPARABLE from action (just like THINKING is inseparable from action).

It involves you, your actions, your skin and soul in the game — and when it involves others — it invariably also involves criticism.

And then there’s who you are. And that is a REBELLION in and of itself — and that is CRITICISM in and of itself.


And finally,

At no point is there EGO involved, stubbornness involved, PRIDE involved, negativity involved, desire to mete out JUSTICE involved, desire to prove oneself involved, desire to be right involved, no, none of that nonsense

There’s no time for that

None of those complexes are constructive

Those are all delusions, low-level realities, which must be transformed with the love of all existence




And love your neighbour

Do those 3 and you don’t have to worry about being TOO CRITICAL — or NOT CRITICAL ENOUGH.

As long as you LOVE your brother,

as long as you actually aim at the betterment,

as long as you proved with your actions and skin and soul in the game that IT IS BETTERMENT that you are interested in,

as long as those conditions are the case — your CRITICISM WILL BE FAIR,

but the moment any ulterior motive creeps in — your “criticism” becomes corrupted. And with it you. And with it others,

Let go of that filth and return to work