Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality

Do You Believe It Or Do You Want To Believe It?


Do you believe it? Or do you want to believe it?

It’s a simple question, a simple idea – but we could all benefit from asking it more often.


We want to believe many things. We want many things to be our way. We are petty and loud. We go about this world trying to fit everything to our needs. We rarely care to fit ourselves.


I have said many times before: Your desire will always pervert the truth. Your desire for things to be certain way will make you believe things to be that way.

I have said: If you want to know the truth – cease all your pursuits and just… SEE.


Now, on a practical side – whether truth is your concern or not – simply ask yourself:


What do you see?

Do you want something?

How much do you want that thing?

What do you do to get it?

Would it be terrible if you were to be wrong?

Would it be terrible if you will never get it?

Would it be terrible if you were to lose it?


You must ask yourself such questions,

call it psychological hygiene,

I’d rather call it being conscious – but then again – consciousness doesn’t need tricks. It just sheds light over the darkness of delusion.


Ask yourself if you want something to be certain way – or if it is certain way.

The truth is – most of the time – you simply won’t know (what way something is).

In all seriousness – when you begin to clean yourself up from your delusions – the answer you most often will be getting is: “I DON’T KNOW”.

(Don’t project it on yourself, mind you! You will probably not know but it’s not decided yet! Don’t say “you don’t know” when you DO know!)


Such practice, on a practical level, will simply greatly improve your results. Obviously when you begin to operate on more accurate models – your results will improve.

With that said – the real benefits are never the petty outside accomplishments. The real treasure is the hidden gem of CONSCIOUSNESS.

Look within.