Philosophy World

The Burden of Leadership

In any organisation, 1-man or or 1-million-men — there must be a leader, and leaders

Because in any organisation, in any activity — decisions must be made — and actions must be taken


Leadership is a burden


Because ideally — no one would have to LEAD

Ideally every decision would be obvious,

and every operation would be carried out efficiently and perfectly

And every party involved would do their best

Miraculously everyone would know what to do, everyone would be upright

Everything would work like clockwork

That would be ideal

But it’s not how things are

Therefore there must be a leader

To solve those problems

Leader is the one burdened with solving those problems

Leader is the one burdened with taking responsibility for those problems

He’s not the one to “make things”

He is, first and foremost, the problem solver


Now, of course, a leader leading a creative project is, indirectly, creating things

He’s the painter deciding where to put which line and shape and colour

Leadership can be creative, the director, the visionary, the artist

One can be both

But what leader is, first and foremost, is problem-solver, decision-maker, and responsibility-taker

That’s what leader is


Now, again, in some sick organisations — “leaders” are divorced from responsibility

Think politicians, bureaucrats, most academics, corporate pawns, etc.

Some structures become overgrown, overcomplicated, stiff yet confused

It becomes unclear what goals even are — therefore it becomes unclear what leaders are even for,

There emerges a perverse entity with it’s own strange and disjointed agendas, which are unclear to even those comprising this very entity


And then, there are some forms of “leadership” which don’t involve any action, any production, and outcome

Think influencers, celebrities, “faces”

This, again, is no true “leadership”.

The purpose of leadership is decision-making — and the purpose of decision-making is deciding on the course of action

And the purpose of action is — obviously — outcome

Those “leaders” don’t produce outcomes

Their leadership is only over the ATTENTION of their followers

What it is, in essence, is a bug of the system

What came first?

Ability to make prudent decisions and taking responsibility for them, and for the collective? Or the attention?


Now, some “thought leaders” are indirectly contributing to advancements of their followers

There is no discipline involved — there is only willingness to learn and improve

I believe this breed of leader is impossible to be held accountable for their advice (for the good or for the bad)

“The art of life-living is beyond proofs”

What can be improved, however, is separating someone’s weltanschauung, attitude, integrity — from the attention, “clout” they enjoy

Separate the quality of the advice, quality of the man — from the appearances

Basically: account for social proof — for the innate bias we have for those already in the position of leadership — whether it is deserved or not.



True leadership: which is making decisions, solving problems and taking responsibility


It is such a burden that we can’t even do it with ourselves!!

How decisive are you?

Do you lead you?

Do you keep your word?

If you can’t even keep your word — then you have failed to inspire commitment, failed to inspire enthusiasm, and failed to inspire compliance — in your own self

This obviously leads to the common split between what you want and what you get and what you do,

Because you say one thing — do another

The follower in you says one thing — the leaders says other thing, or doesn’t say anything,

There’s no leader, no decisions made, no accountability for no actions


Now, those same people, who can’t even lead themselves, presume the role of a leader

This shows how misunderstood leadership is

We view it as a privilege

It’s not a privilege — it’s a burden

It means you have MORE problems — not less

You had your problems — now you also have problems of your organisation


It’s a burden

And guess what


You wanted this privilege of decision making — well you DO have it

Most of us fail to lead

Most of us fail to take responsibility

We fail to lead ourselves, I already said that

We also fail to lead those around ourselves

We fail to lead in all the small groups and organisations and relationships in which we are involved, every day

And make no mistakes: those groups, those organisations, those relationship — they are in desperate need of a leader

But no leader is found

No one wants to make decisions

Because decision-making is a burden

Responsibility is a burden

Leadership is exhausting

And at the end no one is grateful either

Those that think that LEADING is such privilege and benefit — they will even hold it against you, that you presumed to lead…


Except the organisation now functions better

Your relationships function better

Your life functions better

Your team functions better

Your family functions better

If you have a business — your business functions better

And finally: you function better



Leadership is no privilege — it’s a burden.

It’s a necessary burden someone must take

Yes, there is great opportunity in taking that burden

But most of us would really rather have a great leader lead us — and have this burden out of our chest

Except there are not enough leaders — so you must be the leader

In every interaction of your life — including with yourself

Respect your leaders

If you don’t respect them — find yourself a new leader — or be the leader yourself

Be the leader anyway — because there is not enough leaders