Lifestyle World

The World Knows

There is the ridiculous idea that one can hide the truth


The world KNOWS

The world knows the truth


The world doesn’t know all truth (all truth about all things)

There’s much you don’t know and as much the world doesn’t know

But there’s the truth you’re hiding

Your little secret

Your secret doubts and insecurities

Your secret plans

Your secret wishes and desires

Your secret business schemes

Your secret dishonesties

And you think the world doesn’t know


The world KNOWS

The world knows

The world just DOESN’T CARE

But if the world cared — your SECRETS would ALL BE PLAIN REALITY


Because you are not so special

Whatever your darkest secrets — the first 10 people you met today all share the same “secrets”

Whatever great lie or insincerity you managed to contrive — it is laughably transparent.

Whatever great swindle or trick is going through your mind — if you can see it — so can WHOEVER else

And everyone KNOWS

Because there’s only one way in which something can be true — and infinitely many ways in which it can be false. Which means that there are INFINITELY MANY WAYS in which your little LIE or SECRET or TRICK is exposed


There are infinitely many ways in which the untruth is untrue

Everything that is true INVALIDATES that which is untrue

Since no one cares about your little tricks and secrets — it is not immediately “revealed”. Perhaps it is never revealed — because you are so insignificant that nobody cares about confronting you, or even bothering thinking about you

But all the DATA is there, available, to whoever that cares.

And if it’s not available — then TIME ALWAYS MAKES IT AVAILABLE.

Because the data just MOUNTS.

The million and billion ways in which something is untrue — all that keeps mounting up, inevitably


Again, it may not necessarily be direct

A single white lie may be insignificant — but what caused you to distort the truth in the first place — that flawed precondition will manifest more white-lies and little dishonesties.

And 10 white lies add up to “something being amiss”

And it’s delusional to believe that anything you ever do is singular

Nothing is singular. Whatever you did — you did it for some reasons — and one of the reasons was WHO YOU ARE

Therefore not until you changed WHO YOU ARE — do your actions change

The same you still believes the same things that caused you to make that small trivial lie, or trick, or dishonesty.

Therefore it’s utterly inevitable that this nature of yours, and it’s proclivities, will be revealed


And this was only a smallest lie — only recorded in the memory of one other person

Add a single person more to the equation — now you have two records, two perspectives — and exponentially more variables

Add more people — there’s THAT MUCH MORE POSSIBILITIES

EXPONENTIALLY more ways in which the story might not be adding up


And again: it’s not about finding proof

DOUBT is enough proof

There’s no proof for anything in this world

You simply take the best, most reliable option available

Therefore to damage one’s trust once — is to suffer for it forever

And the untruth sows doubt in infinitely many ways

Infinitely many ways something just “doesn’t add up”

And who wants to build things with someone they don’t trust?


The world knows

It may not be precise — but it’s there

The truth is unequivocally true. You see it clearly, doubtlessly

And you choose that truth over that which is doubtful

Sometimes all seems doubtful — but at the end — truth produces better outcomes — and reveals itself to be true

And the world knows

It may not know precisely — but it knows

That’s how it is able to operate in the first place


Therefore the one who doesn’t conceal anything

The one whose utterly plain and transparent and sincere and naive even,

That one gets ahead

He’s the one who gets special treatment — because you can trust him

And you can — because he’s so simple and plain and knows what he wants

And he’s the one to ask for what he wants

He’s the one to do what he said

And he’s the rare one that doesn’t waste his energy on maintaining false appearances

And he’s the rarest one who does what is necessary — because he doesn’t delude himself


And you can be like him

If you assume that the WORLD KNOWS — which it does — then you are FREE TO BE REAL

There’s no more incentive to PRETEND to be someone you’re not, or to play some trick because you think you’ll get ahead


The only thing left is to be REAL

Might immediately SAY WHAT YOU WANT — then ASK WHAT IT COSTS

And then might as well FOCUS on that which must be done

And not on all the short term tricks and shenanigans

Do what must be done