Philosophy Spirituality

REAL Social Justice


Our society is not perfect.

It’s a fact.

There are many societal problems which I won’t even state. I imagine you have your own problems with society.

Now, how do you go about those problems?


We, humans, have an unfortunate tendency to identify.

We identify with things.

What we identify with – we become dependent on.

If it’s something good – then we merely become fragile.

When it’s something bad – then our life turns into a misery.


Fighting problems creates an identity of a fighter.

You need those problems to survive.

Now, you will be CREATING problems.


On a level of societal movements – this phenomenon is yet more pronounced.

What would happen to equality movements if there was equality?

Life’s meaning taken away.

Imagine if bureaucracy was taken away. Offices closed. Computers dealing with these problems now. Many people would love their jobs! In a blink of an eye, they would have no income, and nothing to do with half of their days.

Everything has a tendency to linger.

Single thought of self-recognition turns into the entire abomination of the “SELF”. Self which must be immortal and similar to god and what-not.

Social movements will linger. They will ultimately cause more harm then good.


But is it not apparent with the naked eye?

When you see these social justice movements – do you not see aggression?

Can you not see all the unexpressed, lingering, poisonous aggression, desperately seeking it’s outlet?

We would kill over a tiniest hint of meaning.

Anything to grant us self-worth. Anything to grant us purpose.


And this is how you breed delusion.

From the darkness of ignorance suffering springs out.

Most of you “making the world better” are leaving it worse off.

You just created a new list of problems.

New ways of torturing yourself.

New ways of refusing to accept the reality.


You want a better world?

Start with yourself.

Then follow with your relationships.


What is society but relationships?

Your relationship with your neighbour. Your neighbour relationship with his coworker. His coworker’s relationship with his wife.

Whatever agenda you so vehemently espouse — adopt it in your life. To the fullest.

If you truly believe it — bring it about your OWN environment. Your own world.

This is how you make a change.