Lifestyle World

Own Idea of Success

There’s success

And there’s “success”


What is success?

I don’t know

To me success is what you did today, and how conscious you were, and how ALIVE,

but to you? I don’t know

But i know what it is not


It is not what someone else tells you it is

And it is definitely not what the WORLD tells you it is


What does the world believe success to be?

It’s impossible to say precisely

But it is a strange monstrosity, a spawn of billion individual dreams and wishes and needs and ideas — all projected into the collective subconscious

It’s a strange thing and intangible, at times making apparent sense but overall very conflicted and bizarre

It exists when you wonder what someone else wants and someone else wonders what everyone wants and everyone wonders what the illuminati want and so on. Everyone wonders and no one has a fucking clue

And finally

you wonder what you want


You wonder what you want

You wonder what success is

And when you don’t know — then you ask the world

And the world answers, with this strange freak of a collective desire

And if you believe it — you’re lost

Now you think you know what you want, what success is — but it’s not really what you wanted

But previously at least you were a blank slate. Empty vessel ready for the truth

Now you harbour the untruth

You got rid of your uncertainty and now you have false certainty and a lie


It’s the opposite, actually

Ask the world — then do the opposite

Because in truth you’re already doing what the world wants you to do

You already are chasing the world’s idea of “success”

You INHERITED this burden

You inherited by being born in this world

Now ask the world what it’s after — find those proclivities programmed deep within you — then do the opposite

Or just consider the opposite

The point is becoming aware of all this inheritance

All those ideas of what you want and what “success” is

Then let go of it

Become empty again

And ready to receive the truth

And discover your own idea of “success”