Lifestyle World

Play the PREDICTING Game

You come into this world and you live,

You live, you act, you observe,

You act and you observe your outcomes

And you observe the world,

And you learn

You learn from observing the world and from observing the outcomes of your actions,

Then you put those lessons to work,

In repeat

This is how you live better and better, as you learn more and more



You can’t always put your lessons immediately to work

I consider knowledge you can’t use useless

I consider it a liability

And I consider knowledge you can’t test to be an illusion

I consider everyone whose not a doer an ignorant


Sometimes you can test your shrewdness by making PREDICTIONS



DOING is better than learning and “knowing” because IN DOING you’re learning and knowing — and the epistemic quality of what you are learning is far far superior. It doesn’t get more first-hand and real than that. The purpose of knowing is living your life — NOT philosophy.

PREDICTING is better than learning and “knowing” because predicting ALSO tests your knowledge against the real world

But DOING is better than PREDICTING because in doing you get ACTUAL OUTCOMES — you benefit yourself — on top of having verified your understanding,

Having said that: Predicting-game is a GREAT game


Predicting-game is a great game

It’s a perfect bridge between PRACTICE and THEORY

You should think more and do more and learn more

Like i said: you can’t always immediately implement what you learned,

In that case: test it by MAKING PREDICTIONS


Predicting is actually how you get good at anything

When you’re learning anything — you actually are making ton of subconscious predictions

When you make a sound on the piano — you subconsciously have an idea of what that sound might be. Then it sounds and you verify it. Next time your prediction will be more accurate. It will eventually turn into knowing.


You should be making predictions ALL THE TIME,

Don’t just make subconscious predictions — make it a conscious PRACTICE

—Predict what others will say, will do, will think

—Predict how others will act, how others will behave, how others will react

—Approximate how much time something will take

—Approximate how successful something will be

—Approximate how successful someone will be

—Approximate how much it will cost

—Approximate how much it will sell for

—Predict what will fail

—Predict what will survive

—Predict what will thrive

—Predict who will make the next president. Who will win the war

—Predict what technology will change our world

—Predict the next market crash, good luck

—Predict the best business leaders

—Predict the fall


Obviously make it PRECISE


Obviously hold yourself accountable

Otherwise it’s pointless,

Everyone is a prophet retroactively. Be a prophet looking into the future


Be a prophet looking into the future

If you could know the future — you would be unstoppable, would you not?

Then why aren’t you practising foretelling the future?

It’s practice like any other:

-You make a clear move (clear, unambiguously defined prediction)

-You wait for the outcome

-Then you compare your prediction to reality

-And you LEARN


Make it a habit. Make it a game

You can play this game all the time.

Anything you read — you can test yourself by making predictions

Anything you observe — you can test yourself by making predictions

Anything you do — you can test yourself by making predictions

Anywhere you go — you can test yourself by making predictions


Make fucking predictions, bets