Philosophy Spirituality

My Word = My Destiny

I say a word

and now it’s reality


how wonderful would that be ?


whatever is the secret to such power — I don’t know it for sure

but i know what is the opposite of that power

it’s NOT keeping one’s word


You say a word,

wanting to WILL the reality,

…and then you change your mind

even if you had the power to transmute words into reality

you’ve just forsworn that power


don’t give up your power

say nothing or say something meaningful


big words big deeds,

small words small deeds,

i don’t care,

just mean what you say,

really really really mean what you say

so that once you said it — it’s real

so that once you said it — it’s FUCKING REALITY


…doesn’t matter what happens then

you did your part. You did your duty. You MADE YOUR CHOICE.

For the single time in your life you’re actually not standing in your own way,

You’re not conflicted, for the single time,

NOW, ONLY NOW you should LEARN just how POWERFUL you truly are

I am serious


perhaps you can will reality


you can will you

you’re already the most powerful being on earth