Philosophy Spirituality

“Positive Vs Negative” Is 99% A Lie

There’s what you think is good, positive, and what you think is bad, negative.

Likewise there’s what makes you feel good, feel positive, and what makes you feel bad, feel negative.

There’s a high degree of overlap between the two: because your thoughts condition your emotions, and your emotions condition your thoughts.

E.g. think of something pleasant, and see if it will be more pleasant than thinking of something unpleasant,

or have a great time and get drunk in the sun and see how in this cheerful state you feel about the world, vs when the alarm wakes you up on Monday morning


What you think is “good”, “positive”, “right”, or “bad”, “negative”, “wrong” — it’s very real to you. Your values, your believes, your wants, your plans.

Likewise what FEELS “good”, what feels “pleasant”, what feels “satisfying”, it feels VERY REAL to you. And what feels even more real is pain. Is suffering. Is longing. Is craving.

But what if i told you that 99% of that is a lie?


99% of what you think is good or bad, is right or wrong, all that is a lie

99% of what feels good to you, or feels bad to you, all that is a lie

The basal pain and pleasure in your body — that’s quite real. Your body is quite real. One day it will rot — that’s quite real.

But the rest?

Right and wrong?

Happiness and suffering?

HOW REAL IS IT, truly?


HOW REAL IS IT, truly?

If you believed you made billion dollars today — would you feel quite happy?

If you believed your entire family has died — would you feel quite terrible?

If you believed the evil government stole all your money – would you consider it wicked and evil?

If you believed you were given an opportunity of a lifetime — would you be grateful to that person, to that organisation, to that system? Would you consider it just and caring?

The point is: if you BELIEVED — you would FEEL, and you would THINK


If you BELIEVED. But not necessarily if it was true

And this is 99% of what we FEEL AND THINK, to be “POSITIVE”, or “NEGATIVE”.


It’s some IDEA, some PERCEPTION — which STUCK in our memory,

Doesn’t matter if it’s real or not

WE make it real now. By remembering it. By continuously evoking it again. By thinking it again. And feeling it again.


99% nonsense

An illusion.



AND this is why i see everything as POSITIVE,

I’m alive = POSITIVE

It’s an opportunity to experience the positive

And it’s an opportunity to solve the negative, solve the problems


And if I don’t see it as positive, then I see it as NEUTRAL


It’s like a board game. I make a move. maybe it’s a good move and it improves my position. Maybe it’s a bad move and it ruins my position. I don’t care. I don’t cry. I don’t get upset.


And MAKING THE BEST MOVES is learning which moves are good and which moves are bad,

When I make a good move or a bad move — I soon learn if it’s good or bad — in that my position improves or weakens.

I take this information.

“Good” and “bad” both are no more no less but an information.

And I want more information — because then I can improve

And my joy and satisfaction is derived from constantly improving


I’m not petty. I look on the whole


I see it as NEUTRAL — I play the game. CALM MOVES,

I learn my entire life

And then I die

I don’t take any of that personally

I only care that I did my best


And to me improving is improving today, doing my best today

That is tangible. Not yet distorted by the contents of our minds, our beliefs and ideas and memories and though-feelings


AND I see it as POSITIVE. I ultimately see it all as positive. I am here to EXPERIENCE the reality. To make the most out of my human potential. To make the most out of this gift.

Therefore EVERYTHING is welcome


And ultimately, when you truly, truly believe that it is ALL an opportunity, therefore ALL is positive — then your thoughts start to change.

And then your emotions start to change.

And then everything you look at fills your heart with profound gratitude.

And everyone you look at fills your heart with love. Sweet confused innocent human beings.

And again: everything that happens to you is an opportunity to do better.

Good luck is great. God is good.

Bad luck is even better. That’s when you actually learn to DO IT YOURSELF, therefore HOW IT ACTUALLY WORKS. That’s when you learn the most. It’s a true gift of god, gift of improvement.


And of course everything I said has been said so many times before,

My entire life I heard it again and again, and i “rediscovered” it again and again,

It doesn’t matter

It doesn’t matter how many times you heard it. It only matters how deeply you live by those truths.

And it’s a long long process,

Because you have so many nonsense ideas about this world and what is good and what is wrong, and you have so many feelings which BIND those thoughts deep into your body… it’s a process. FREEING oneself of all that,

And the moment you feel better about something — something else happens to you. And it doesn’t feel so fucking great therefore you have a little bit less “optimistic” thought in your mind. And then it lingers. And then you build your Weltanschauung upon it.

Thus it’s this seemingly unending deconstruction. Un-learning. Cleaning and cleansing.

And you free yourself from one nonsense preconception about the world, one lingering-negativity, attitude — and then you discover 10 more underneath,

Or maybe it returns, after a week, or a month. And you forget all that you (un)learned.

It’s hard


But I don’t think there’s anything more important

How we feel on the inside is how we act on the outside is what we give to this world,

I don’t think you can have a greater impact on the world than becoming the best you, truly the best you: which is the most loving, most caring, most grateful, most present, most conscious you.

You which celebrates EVERY aspect of existence, and learns from it unendingly.

You are LOVE and you give love.

You are WISDOM and you give wisdom.

I don’t think one could have a greater positive impact than that