Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality


Consciousness is intelligence is love

Consciousness is intelligence. You are aware, you are cognizant, and you know just what to do.

And when you are — then you can be loving

You can be loving and caring and grateful and inspired


When you are conscious — you can be loving

Because when you are conscious — you don’t have to get “negative”


Why do you get negative?

Why do you get mad? Why do you get upset? Why do you grow dissatisfied? Why do you become prejudiced? Why do you become hateful? Why do you get aggressive?

As an animal — you get negative so that you actually fucking do something

So that you are actually motivated to exert this precious energy, take that considerable risk — and actually go ahead and change something


Why do you stay negative?

We, advanced animals of the Homo sapiens species, are also equipped with a more advanced memory,

We remember MORE

Our negativity LINGERS

Once it has imparted in our brains — it lingers,

And our brain doesn’t wonder if it’s still valid tomorrow and 10 years from now, or not

The negativity lingers, the emotion lingers,

Doesn’t matter if it’s true or not



If you were conscious — you wouldn’t get negative, not truly

If you were truly conscious — negativity would not linger in you

And if you are profoundly conscious, enlightened — then you cleansed yourself of the lingering negative residue


If you were conscious you wouldn’t get negative, not truly

When you are conscious and intelligent — you SOLVE problems. You just do.

You see everything for what it is — and respond to it appropriately.

You don’t need to get negative. You solve the problem BEFORE you get negative. You are intelligent.

And even if you did get negative, like an animal which you still are — this negativity should not linger.

You release it instead.

You view it as transitory. As transitory as your life.

And even if you record it in your memory — you record it consciously — and only the fact — NOT the negative emotion which went with it.

And thus you remain in control.

And thus you remain free


And what happens when you’re free?

What happens when you’re free of negativity?

Then you are loving.


What does it mean, “loving”?

You come into this world and everything is infinitely exhilarating, infinitely inspiring, an infinite journey, infinite opportunity

You will die one day — but for now: all of this glory is UNRAVELLING before you, for you to EXPLORE, to INDULGE, to CREATE

Does this not fill your heart with love?

Oh yes it does

It does — until something “bad” happens to you

Something “bad” happens to you and the world is not so rosy, for a moment,

And then perhaps you record this bad event in your memory,

And you start obsessing over it, obsessing over avoiding it

And by obsessing over it and reinforcing it in your mind — you are only perpetuating it

And instead of being loving — you’re worried, you’re distrustful, you’re reluctant,

And one day perhaps you’re angry, you’re aggressive, you’re restless, you’re ambitious,


…Time to get rid of that poison

Get rid of it. Say no to negativity. Say no to negative thoughts, negative feelings. You DO have power over it. None of it is objective. You DO have power over it

If you think life is not worth living — just kill yourself. If you think there’s something worth living — then shut the fuck up and go do it, with due gratitude for the opportunity to actually do it. DUE GRATITUDE, and NO NEGATIVITY WHATSOEVER. You do have power over it.

Time to get rid of that poison.



Time to be conscious

Time to be CONSCIOUS

You were an ignorant fool thinking you have a clue

You don’t

Unless you’re a DOER — you’re an ignorant. Doesn’t matter what you saw, what you read, what someone told you. Unless you’re a DOER — you’re an IGNORANT.

And only doing is doing something new. Doing it differently each time. LIVING DIFFERENTLY each day. Trying something different. Getting different results. Comparing those results. Being conscious, aware of those results. Improving based on them. ELEVATING.

It’s time to be conscious

Time to stop deluding yourself that you have a clue — and commit to PENETRATING the reality with your CONSCIOUSNESS

And what is reality?

It’s what you did today.

THIS is your reality, therefore THE reality.

This is what you must focus on


…And once you do,

You will be solving your problems every day,

Instead of negativity you will be exhilarated by your newly found power,

And then instead of negativity you will only experience joy, gratitude, hope,

And you will experience LOVE


You will experience LOVE


Consciousness is love


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