Lifestyle Spirituality

Life Gives You Exactly What You Need

Life gives you either exactly what you want, or NOT exactly what you want


If it gives you NOT what you want — it forces you to YOURSELF take what you want


That process of taking what you want, taking responsibility — is indeed the process of growing and evolving and elevating


This very growing is arguably even better than merely receiving, merely winning


It gives you deeper satisfaction, it makes you value that which you get, and it stimulates you, it engages you


And it sets you even more favourably to benefit from the next time the fortune similes at you

(as now you’ll have even more ability to take advantage of those good fortunes)


Therefore arguably life gives you exactly what you need. Which is sometimes, rarely, exactly what you want — and usually NOT exactly what you want — but instead an opportunity TO BECOME MORE

Become even more than what you wanted, than what you could have conceived of

Even more than what you know