Lifestyle Philosophy


What if you were paid for each time you found you were wrong?

e.g. $1000 for finding something you were wrong about.

another $1000 for finding something else you were wrong about.

imagine you fell in love with saying “I WAS WRONG


Can you imagine this making your life better? Your model of reality more accurate? Your perception sharper?

Well, it does make your life better

It pays not $1000 or $1 or $1000000000… it really is priceless


Readiness to ALWAYS admit that you’re wrong, when you’re wrong,

ability to question one’s beliefs time and time again,

ability to find errors,

ability to TEST one’s hypothesis,

ability to strive for the truth, and in ALL matters,

it’s all priceless


Ego is not your friend

Religion, beliefs — are not your friend

Reputation is not your friend

Whatever fucking reason you have to NOT LOVE ADMITTING YOU WERE WRONG — it is not your friend

Therefore pick your fucking number. 1$. 1000$. 10000000$. Whatever.

Imagine that’s what you get for ADMITTING THAT YOU’RE WRONG

Bribe yourself because you’re too stupid otherwise

Get greedy

Maybe your ego gets greedy. Or your religion gets greedy,

Or your REPUTATION gets greedy. Rather be FILTHY RICH and WRONG (admit wrong) than be right (not admit wrong)

Maybe then you’ll be able to say “I WAS WRONG”


Find any way you can to swallow your pride and ADMIT THAT YOU’RE WRONG


That you are LEARNING

That you could DO BETTER