Lifestyle World

Giving Value Is a Cheat Code

Giving value is a cheat code


You can be morally a scum

But if you give enough value — people will bear with you

People will IDEALISE you

They will overlook your flaws

You will still be a scum. A single good deed, or 1000 good deeds, don’t wash out a bad one, not if it continues, not if you remain a bastard and a scoundrel

But many will overlook it — for their own personal gain

Gain you will provide

Value you will provide

Giving value is a cheat code


It’s a dangerous advice to give

I just told you to BRIBE others, basically

I just confirmed that everyone has a price


I suppose if you’re a scum — I won’t convince you either way

What just happened is I made you more adept at getting away with your wickedness

Now you conceal it with this veneer of value and goodness


This is the second lesson, old one:

Beware perfect appearances

Beware beautiful words

Beware grand promises

Perhaps there’s something ugly inside

Perhaps it’s better if it’s a little imperfect


Having said all that,

Do give more value

it’s a wonderful cheat code

It will make your life easier,

Too easy really (if you’re a bastard)

If your heart is in the right place — I fail to see a single reason to NOT give more


And if you’re a bastard then I pray no one will fall prey to your deceit,

I pray you will receive the gift of truth

I pray you will be able to bear it

I promise you that the higher you climb — the lesser the tolerance for bullshit and deceit

Giving value is a wonderful cheat code — but at a certain level it will do you no good. You will have to give up your vices, ALL of your vices, to move forward

If you could can see that, if you can possibly see that, then you’ll see that injustice to others is injustice to you


Having said all that,

Let us all give more value

what a wonderful cheat code

I can’t see this world having too much value

Let us all indulge each other, love each other, give value to each other