Philosophy Spirituality

Can’t Solve Delusion with Rationality

When you see an illusion – it doesn’t matter that you “rationally” know that it’s an illusion. You’re still seeing it.

The problem is you seeing this illusion, NOT you being “rational” or not.

Therefore the only solution is to see the reality, rather than illusion,


Likewise when you believe something — it doesn’t matter whether it makes sense or not. If you believe it — you believe it.


You can convince yourself all day long what the reality is like — but when you SEE SOMETHING with your own eyes — that is obviously stronger than your mind and it’s “ideas”

Your eyes can be fooled — but tell me what fools you more often — your eyes or your mind, with it’s rationalizations and emotions and beliefs?

Your mind can help with that which your eyes can’t see — but it can also often not help.

Your mind can help with that which your eyes can’t see — but once your eyes SEE SOMETHING — your mind is helpless

It’s just another thing that “doesn’t make sense” — but is right here before your eyes — therefore it’s real


Except it’s not always real,

And then you AGAIN rely on your mind

Except it won’t help. Because you’re STILL seeing what you’re seeing. Regardless if you “know” that this is an illusion, that this is an untruth.


Your mind can’t help

In truth, mind can be the very source of that illusion

Your mind, which was first a tool intended to create MODELS of reality (in order to navigate in it) — now seems to seek to PROJECT THOSE VERY MODELS onto reality,

The very MODELS created in the mind had became more important than the REALITY based on which they were created in the first place,

And it’s the mind now which is now only able to perceive it’s own models, rather than reality,

You see only illusions because your own mind puts it before your own eyes


Your mind can’t help, and it can even make things worse.

Rationality won’t help because rationality is limited. It doesn’t have to make sense for it to be real. Many things are real and we just don’t understand them.

Therefore what you see is more important than your explanations,

And when you see illusions — then you have a problem


What to do?





When you act — you’re forcing THE reality to reveal the truth

If you act according to a delusion — then the reality’s response will NOT accord with your hypothesis, will not accord with that which you believed should had happened, based on what you thought you were seeing, based on what you were believing

You will EXPERIENCE the INCONGRUENCE — rather than merely consider it,

It will be a far more powerful signal

You will see it

It will be powerful enough to challenge the illusions you were seeing heretofore

Your mind alone couldn’t challenge them,

But in ACTION, in REAL WORLD ACTION — you can challenge them


This is why I say that everyone is ignorant but the “real world doers”,

Just because something is making sense, or is being “supported” by a wealth of “knowledge” and data and “facts” — none of that means it’s true at all,

And more importantly: none of it means it MATTERS.

What you think you know, what you think makes sense — none of it matters,




And when you see an illusion — you do have a problem,

But when you take action — that illusion will be challenged

(Of course it has to be “real” action: which means you DOING SOMETHING NEW. It doesn’t count as “action” if it’s not new)


Take action

Get REAL world feedback,

See it with your OWN EYES

THEN you can use your mind.

…especially to figure out if it was not the mind itself which was the source of those illusions in the first place!

Now you have more real data to feed your mind. Maybe you’ll find some data deep at the bottoms of your memory which unconsciously served as an assumption for all further reasoning — and was so powerful so as to distort what your own eyes would see,

Maybe you will maybe you won’t,

Ultimately however your ACTIONS and their outcomes will be REAL

So if truth interests you — ACT