Lifestyle Philosophy

Step Back is Step Forward

That which you know you do wrong — that is easy.

You know it’s wrong — you correct — case closed.


That which you don’t know you do wrong — that is hard.

It’s hard because you don’t know it’s wrong therefore you don’t know what’s wrong therefore how the fuck do you correct it?


This is where your commitments make all the difference,

You don’t know what you do wrong — and you can thus feel vindicated in whatever it is that you’re doing, in whatever it is that you’re representing.

In this attitude you reveal commitment to your beliefs, your weltanschauung,

But your commitment could also lie elsewhere

Perhaps it’s not consistency and perpetuation of your beliefs which matters to you

Perhaps your commitment is to your outcomes

In which case you won’t be satisfied with ignorance

You will want better outcomes

Therefore you will question your beliefs, question your actions

And if you fail to see answer — you won’t be afraid to break the whole fucking thing


If you’re dissatisfied with your outcomes — you won’t be afraid to break the whole fucking thing,

You don’t know what you do wrong means you think what you’re doing is right

But you’re dissatisfied with your outcomes therefore you will make a change ANYWAY

It may be a change for the better — or it may be a change for the worse

But you will make a change anyway

Because you don’t have time to wait for enlightenment

Your friends, your bubble, not even your god — they will not reveal to you the truth

And even if they will — you must first be ready for it,

You get ready for it by willing to sacrifice for it

Sacrifice your status quo

Making a fucking change

Even if for the worse


And in the worst case scenario it is indeed for the worse,

And in the best case scenario — you discover the very impediment to your growth

You let go of it,

Not without some difficulty. You thought it was “right” for some reason

But you let go of it. You care about your outcomes more than you care about your status quo, comfort and pride

You give it up and you grow


It’s easy to grow when you know what to do,

We stagnate because we don’t know what to do

Because we believe we are already doing quite well,

We believe that what we’re doing is quite satisfactory,

Or we believe that the time will prove our actions


There’s no fucking time

Even if whatever you’re doing takes time to flower — you only have one life. Will you risk it to find out?


And once you nailed that — then start taking apart everything else

Look for tangible improvements, tangible progress

And once you have that — wait for long term improvement, long term growth, long term progress

And for that — you’ll have to get the courage to break some things,

So that you can liberate yourself