
What If I Murdered You

What if i murdered you

if you didn’t do your best today


you know there are things you want and do and there are things you say you want,

some of the things you say you want you couldn’t even do – and you’re just saying you want to do them as a little fantasy. You may even experience real guilt but that also means you’re not serious, because seriousness is expressed only in action

But then there are some things you say you want to do AND you could do but you don’t do.

What if I murdered you?


…We go through this life collect our little memories and our little beliefs and finally our little wishes,

We then indulge in those mirages, because they are ours. They make for the illusion of you actually existing, actually being distinct, and perhaps even being permanent


All this intellectual and emotional residue accumulates in our mind and body,

Eventually symbol supplants the real thing,

And fantasy supplants action,

But what if I murdered you?


If you didn’t have so much nonsense ideas of what you WANT and what you’re GOING TO DO and what you’ll do ONE DAY — well maybe you’d actually do something,

If you had this clarity,

Let me help you with clarity,

Let me promise you that I will fucking murder you, if you don’t do something today,

Doesn’t have to be big, doesn’t have to be grand

Cut 99.9% of nonsense wishes and fantasies you have — and ask yourself WHAT YOU COULD DO BETTER TODAY

This is the real improvement, real growth, real change, real success

And if you fail — I will murder you


I think this is a good mentality to have

“If I’m not serious today — I will die”

It can be a very bad mindset if you actually plan to fail. If you don’t let go of fantasies and your guilt-fetish — then this will only contribute to guilt and failure and excessive tension,

If you live in a fantasy — I suggest you start really really slow,

But if you’re a little serious — I suggest you get really serious,

I suggest you remember that you shall DIE,

And do everything with the urgency of this being your LAST OPPORTUNITY TO DO WELL


So ask yourself,


This will make you quite serious, will this not?

Quite serious

You won’t make stupid promises,

You’ll think twice,

You will have no stupid excuses,

You will plan with massive buffers,

You will MAKE IT EASY — so as to make sure that you deliver


And again: I ESPECIALLY recommend this strategy with small things,

With those little things which we tend to brush off

Big things and “great” things — you’ll likely fail them even with a gun to your head. That’s because we always overestimate our ability to shape the future and always underestimate the role of chance

Furthermore “great” things and great ideas are too VAGUE, too intangible. It’s very easy to delude yourself as to what you actually wanted to achieve.

However small, daily, tangible things — those are REAL. And that’s where you should start,

Obviously this mentality won’t hurt when you’re keeping yourself accountable at the end of the week, at the end of the month, at the end of the year…


That’s what you should do well,

Or die