Lifestyle Philosophy

Decisiveness and Judiciousness

-There are decisions to be made

-There are informations

-Then there’s the process

-And finally your computing resources: brainpower and time


You can rarely make a perfect decision. And when you can — usually you do it instantly (because you already have the problem solved)

You can rarely make a perfect decision — but you can rarely NOT make a decision

Therefore you must reconcile with making imperfect decisions

A person who has reconciled with making imperfect decision we call “DECISIVE”


“DECISIVE” does not mean hasty, careless, obviously

DECISIVE is free from INDECISION, which is free from overthinking, free from (emotional) doubt, free from fear (of failure and otherwise), free from distraction

The decisive one arrives at the same quality of decision as the indecisive one — except faster and more effortlessly

A careless and unprofessional man can either be decisive or indecisive. Quality of the decision and efficiency of arriving at that decision are two different things.


I believe you should strive for highest quality and for elevation

I believe the two are synergistic.

By doing everything with highest care you can — you give yourself an opportunity to learn. Anything can be done better

You want to elevate everything: your energy, your intelligence, your wisdom, AND your judgment.


You want to elevate everything, including your judgment — but that does not mean be indecisive.

Quality of the decision and efficiency of arriving at that decision are two different things.

You want to elevate the quality of your decisions.

But you want to be decisive too.


How do you distinguish the two?

How do you distinguish between futile overthinking — and the process of duly absorbing information and analyzing it to arrive at the most optimal decision ?

By meta-understanding your process.

There’s information, there’s the process you want to subject that information to, and it will utilize some concrete brainwpower and time

You will have some expectation of how much resources processing that information will require

You dedicate those resources

You arrive at some destination

Perhaps now you can make decision with confidence

Or perhaps you now realize that you will still need to improve the quality of that conclusion

You will now dedicate some more resources to arriving at that optimal decision

You will however be more insistent now. You will now expect more concrete results for the resources you’re investing. You will want a sound conclusion

And if you still fail — you may still dedicate more resources

Or you may perhaps decide that it is TOO DIFFICULT for you. That it is UNKNOWN how many more resources it will require to attain clarity on the matter

And if decision nevertheless has to be made?

You will flip a fucking coin


If decision nevertheless has to be made — you will flip a fucking coin.

You understand that thinking which produces no results is not intelligence, it’s just a stupid pointless game.

It’s more indicative of foolishness.

Everyone is ignorant but the real world doers.

When you’re thinking but not making decisions — you’re doing nothing

When you’re thinking period — you’re still doing nothing. If this thinking doesn’t result in decisions and then actions — than you have achieved nothing. Nothing of substance. It could be valuable. But it could be just nothing.

Decisions must be made

And if you have to — flip a fucking coin


THIS is intelligence

Intelligence, which is also meta-intelligence: Intelligence about your own intelligence

Intelligently managing the tool of your own intelligence and the resource of your own computing power,

And this is DISCIPLINE

Discipline of using that resource prudently, and thus effectively

Discipline of striving both for the highest quality of decisions and insights — but also highest practicality and efficiency

Overthinking is just lack of discipline, it is fecklessness.

Indecision is just lack of discipline, it is fecklessness.

Low quality is just lack of discipline, it is fecklessness.


Get disciplined

Attack serious problems with serious resources

Make decisions — solve problems — and move on

Flip a fucking coin if you have to — and move on

Life is short. You have a wonderful tool at your disposal — use it wisely. It’s not a toy. It’s not a hammer. It is an instrument.