Lifestyle Philosophy

Self-Focused Learns Nothing Sees Nothing


Can you be looking at two things without dividing your attention?

When you’re looking at an apple, can you simultaneously look at a pear, with the same attention?

Or does your attention divide?


What happens when you’re looking at yourself?

You’re not looking at something else, are you?


What happens when you receive criticism, as your attention is focused on your self-image?

You’re going to take it personally.

You’re not going to receive the wisdom. You’ll only see antipathy, threats and rejection.


The more ambitious you are the more insecure the more sensitive to offence and unstable.

The more serious you are the more self-serious the more fragile and timid.


The one who cares the least about your opinion is the one capable of benefiting the most out of it.

He is the one who will actually see it’s content – and not project his own EGO on it, not take it personally and thus not reject it in crude self-defence.


If you’re in it to learn about this vast fascinating world – you will be learning.

If you’re in it to defend your ego – you will be defending your ego.

Remember: one always gets what he wants.