
Value and Consequences

Why is this “success” thing so convoluted and enshrouded in mystery?


There’s plenty uncertainty and unknown in life.

Doesn’t matter. You don’t have to be certain. You only need to be pretty sure.

I’m pretty sure there are consequences.


Can you produce value?

Can you give value?

What are the consequences of producing value?

You end up with value.


We all heard that to make money – create value.

But I think we just repeat it without actually taking it in.

We say — “produce value” — but we’re still looking for a quick fix. Quick literally, or quick intellectually. We just want a trick. It’s like we are unable to believe that we deserve success without plethora of weird moves and secrets.

The fucking secret is — create value.

Sit there – and figure out a way to create something.

Stop wasting time looking for a better deal, better angle, a new career perk, a magical investment… just focus on what matters. Giving the world what it NEEDS.


We all heard to give value in social situations.

Offer more value!

It’s so simple.

To be fun to be around or to be gloomy?

To present oneself respectably or to slop in ugly rags?

To offer help or to be callous?

To be interesting or to be boring?

To smile or not to smile?

Why you overcomplicate it?

You can overcomplicate it when the simple solutions are nailed.

For now – just be a NICE person first. Be the BEST person to be around. Most relaxed most enjoyable most interesting.

You don’t need a magic persuasion trick.

Bring VALUE first. Then you can think about further persuasion.


You must be thinking in CONSEQUENCES.

This is the ultimate kernel of the problem. You simply shun logic when concerned with these matters.

For whatever reason this “success” thing is so pervaded with nonsense beliefs and magic promises and social justice quandaries and all that pointless fucking noise – and it shuts your brain down.

You should simply be thinking in CONSEQUENCES.

What to do to GET X?

What to do to CREATE Y?

I recommend cleansing your mind of all the nonsense you’ve learnt over the years.

Keep it simple.

It will save your from a lot of stress too.

Keep it simple.


The rest will take care of itself.