Lifestyle World

About Travelling

The value of travelling is not travelling.

The value of travelling is THE NEW.


The value of THE NEW is that the new is the promise of growth, evolution.

You can’t have growth without changing, without developing into something different, something new indeed.

On a deeper level — the value of the NEW is the value of life. Your life is new, you are a new manifestation of life. Your purpose is to explore. When you’re curious, you’re active, you’re explorin — you’re alive. But when you stagnate — you die.


TRAVELLING is just one of many ways in which you can DO SOMETHING NEW.

TRAVELLING can be simplified as moving in space.

But the point is NOT moving in space.

The point is the specific combination of doing something new, and (temporarily) surrendering the old.

Surrendering the old is prerequisite for the doing of the new — it’s the making of room for something new to emerge.


Now, if you look SPECIFICALLY at what-is-NEW when you TRAVEL — then you’ll quickly realize that it’s not exclusive to the act of travelling.

Therefore most of the VALUES of travelling could be achieved without travelling

The problem is that it’s just very difficult to achieve them all at once.

It’s ESPECIALLY difficult for boring people.

In truth: achieving ANY of the qualities which travelling provides is extremely difficult for people who are habitual and boring.


Hence the popularity of travelling.

It’s not even that pleasant!

It’s not even that pleasant. Look at them ugly tourists. Their faces are either bored or fatigued or both. They look neither excited nor relaxed. They looked miserable.

But it’s still a high point of their year.

Because it’s fucking different.

They died in their daily life.

But this is different.

Therefore something within them feels a bit more alive, thinking back to it.

If but a shortest moment of their lil vacations was exciting and beautiful and different — they will cherish that memory — and evoke it to convince themselves that perhaps they LIVE.


You don’t have to be this way,

You can do something NEW today yourself.

You can learn new things.

You can DO new things.

You can take new risks.

You can go to a different place. It doesn’t have to be 1000 km from here. There’s likely place you have never seen 10 km from here. There’s surely an interesting place 100 km from here.

You can meet new people. You have more to choose from than you could possibly hope to meet.

You can LIVE differently. Every single thing you ever did — you can do differently today. You are what you did today.


You don’t have to PRETEND to be alive.

You can BE alive.

You don’t have to travel for something NEW and EXCITING and FRESH occur in your life.

You don’t have to look for it on the TV. It’s not fucking real if it’s NOT YOU experiencing it, didn’t you know?

You can be alive today.

And those activities are just DISTRACTIONS.

Because being ALIVE is the DEFAULT.

You came into this world ready to learn and to run and to rise and to fall and to smile and to laugh,

It’s your birthright,

So don’t seek it elsewhere. It’s here,

If you seek it elsewhere — you’re forsaking it here.




is there no merit to travelling?

There is merit to travelling.

The merit of travelling is reminding yourself that you could be more alive.

And the merit of travelling is being that extra amplification of the LIFE ALREADY LIVED PASSIONATELY.

It is not a substitute. You can’t pretend you’re alive.

But sexy exciting moments, meaningless or not — can serve as an inspiration.

Can serve as a reminder how you should feel about this exciting life,

And that perhaps you fucked something up,

Perhaps you’re in a rut. Is it possible at all that you’re in a rut? Take a guess.

If anything ever makes you feel better — it serves as a reminder that you could be doing better.

Let it guide you,

Let it humble you,

Let it start asking questions,