Lifestyle Philosophy

Solvable and Unsolvable Problems, Overcoming

There are problems you solve — and there are problems you consistently fail to solve.


What characterises problems you consistently fail to solve?

-Too big and complex for you to even get going. Barrier of entry, barrier to even starting to make a change is too steep

-“Simple but not easy: hidden layers of difficultly which you are not consciously aware of — but effectively can’t or don’t want to overcome

Secret downside — secret side effect which terrifies you, which challenges your identity and status quo and dissuades you from actually getting what you think you want


Observe anyone:

There’s a set of problems they solved with relative ease and consistency. Some of those problems could be virtually impossible for you to solve. Some of those problems you have declared to solve for your entire life — and still failed.

In the same time some of the problems you solved “naturally” and smoothly — are problems someone else is struggling with their entire life.

We have problems in our lives which we are equipped to solve. And there are problems in our lives which had always been there — and we only talk about wanting to change — but that never occurs.

The schism is striking.


Now, I know only two solutions to the “insolvable” problems. Only two things that can happen.

One is someone becomes serious, committed.

Other is someone becomes a serious man.


Every now and then such “perennial” problem becomes so profound that there is NO CHOICE but to change.

This is how a common man does the impossible.

This is when the desperation to overcome becomes so burning that the question of price now disappears.

The problem is no longer too big, too difficult to bite at, too intractable, too confusing.

All the aforementioned objections are relevant in our day-to-day as we are optimising to get the most done with the least effort.

Those objections are NOT relevant now. Now there is pure obsession, pure desperation, pure commitment.

This is the rare time an average man overcomes a problem he was not meant to overcome. Overcomes a problem that is bigger than the easy problems he deals with every day.

This is when an average, feckless, irresponsible, weak man becomes strong, for a moment.


Now this is of course a temporary solution,

The permanent solution is to become strong, committed, responsible, serious — for good.

The rarest man can attack ANY problem with the FIRE otherwise only known to a man in desperation.

He CULTIVATES that fire.

The rarest man has solved so many problems that he is good at problem solving PER SE. He KNOWS how to attack ANY problem at all.

Problem-solver has already solved all his “easy” problems. He’s been busy solving HARD problems for a long time.

“Simple but not easy”? He did that. He unravelled the hidden difficulties and solved them step by step.

Secret downside? He became aware of it, he faced it, he challenged it — and chose to do it anyway, chose to change anyway.

Problem so big that you don’t even know where to start? Well he FOUND a way to make it easier. He found a way to define CLEAR GOALS and make TANGIBLE PROGRESS. He broke the problem down and slowly started chipping away at it. And then he picked up pace and fucking killed it.


How do you become that man?


Tangibly — this means it’s measurable and REAL. This means you KEEP YOUR WORD.

It’s only when you actually can DECLARE your intent — and then KEEP on that promise — is when you are even equipped to deal with more difficult problems. Otherwise you’ll find a cop-out, an excuse, a scapegoat.

Make it a habit of solving problems, of doing better every day.

Eventually you will obviously start taking on harder problems.

Do take on harder problems. Life is meant to challenge you. Life is meant to be lived. Few things are clear about this life — but I noticed that BEING ALIVE seems to be one of them, one of our duties. BE ALIVE and EXPERIENCE the whole BREADTH of the HUMAN CONDITION – as long as you’re here.

The way to get unstuck is through sharpening one’s clarity — and rousing higher energy.