Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality


-PLAYFULNESS, PLAY, is just trying out new things = TINKERING

-TINKERING is how you solve problems too

-Life is but solving problems

-Therefore life is fun


Life is fun

It’s not fun because you say it’s not fun.

It’s not fun because you have expectations, you are entitled.

You want things to be your way — and when they aren’t — you call this a problem.

If you didn’t crave things to be your way — this wouldn’t be distressing at all.

It would just be change.

And whatever it demanded of you — that would be an OPPORTUNITY.

Opportunity to tinker.

Opportunity to PLAY.


Life is play

It only ceases being play because you say it’s not play

And when it’s no longer play — you half-ass it

You half-ass it because you’re not enthusiastic any more

If you’re a pro than perhaps you’ll do an OK job.

But you’re not enthusiastic, you’re not obsessed about it — therefore you will never do an EXCELLENT job,

You will not tinker — so forget about greatness. Greatness lies in pushing the envelope.

And now all this mediocrity will obviously not inspire you,

And thus your belief that life is NOT play, NOT fun — will only be reinforced


But life is fun and life is play,

Tinkering is fun.

You should enjoy tinkering,

You should enjoy playing with things and playing with others and exploring,

You are neurologically build to enjoy those things.


It should be fun, it should be great play


This neurological wiring was hijacked from you, however,

Your own homo-sapiens vessel may want you to succeed — but not other homo-sapiens, who want THEMSELVES to succeed,

They don’t want you to have fun and compete with them!

(Unfortunately they don’t know you all could cooperate, but that’s another story)

They will stop you from competing by DISTRACTING you from productive play with MEANINGLESS play,

And you will go watch TV

You will only do so much as is necessary to survive, and then live the rest of your life watching others pretend to be alive, acting out fictional characters on an artificial 2-dimensional surface.


All of this is why life is no longer PLAY, why success is no longer play

How do you reclaim that capacity?

First you get rid of the fool’s gold. Fuck entertainment. You don’t need it. You actually don’t. You decide how much energy you have

Second you relax,

If stress has became a habit for you — you get rid of that habit. You must make conscious choice and choose to NOT be stressed — over whatever nonsense you believe you gain from being stressed. It’s a choice,

You must become contended

If discontentment has became a habit — you get rid of that habit. You must make a conscious choice to be contented, find contentment, find joy, find the bright side. If you can’t find it — then MAKE it. If you can’t make it — then FULLY ACCEPT IT. If you can’t accept it — then just kill yourself. At least you get serious.

Finally — it’s time to PLAY,

ANYTHING is play,

ANYTHING can be done better.

Give yourself permission to play. Give yourself permission to experiment. Give yourself permission to fail. Give yourself permission to HAVE GREAT FUN.


And what’s next?

Next you make your ENTIRE LIFE PLAY,

You TINKER everything,

And you RELISH in everything,

You make this a habit,

Yes it is possible,

You fail because at any moment you believe that you not having fun, or you not having energy — is some immutable fact,

You don’t even register this limiting belief. You just take it for granted,

If you registered it — then next you would only have to remember that yes you have the power,

You have the power to FOCUS,

You have the power to GET ENGAGED,

You have the power to find ENERGY,

And then you do.

And it’s not easy but not hard.

The hardest part is remembering,

The hardest part is breaking the habit,

After that — you just pause.

You just pause for 1 minute or 1 hour,

And then you decide how you want to feel about it,

How you want to set about this problem,

are you going to have some fun?


Life is short,

Have some fun,

PLAY some,

TINKER, be creative, make AMAZING new things, while having fun,

while solving your problems,

while having fun,

play, tinker, have fun, LIVE