Lifestyle Philosophy

Either Give Up Or Do Better

Either give up or do better.

Never get used to failure.

Never fail without good reason.

Either give up already — or IMPROVE.


It’s not “persistence” if you’re NOT improving.

Either IMPROVE — or GIVE UP already.

Even smallest improvement is a victory. But NOT improving is NOT acceptable.


We have too many things in our lives which we NEITHER have courage to GIVE UP and ADMIT DEFEAT — nor resolve to IMPROVE.

It creates a horrible habit of continuously failing. Which itself is how one truly is a failure. It’s not a failure to fail something — give this up — and succeed somewhere else. It’s a failure to KEEP FAILURES in one’s lives, and do nothing about them.


And we call it “struggling with something” or we call it a “sticking point”,


Either give up — or IMPROVE.

To LABEL IT is already to deny it, to escape it, to distract oneself from the truth.

The truth that either you STRIVE and IMPROVE — or it’s time to give up and focus on something else.


It’s the most poisonous with IDEALS.

You know ideals to be right.

Deep within you know what is right. You know what is good. You know what would be better for you.

But in the same time ideals are vague, and ideals are IDEALISED.

Which makes them difficult to even conceive of, let alone attain.

And thus they are the most vulnerable to become those lingering FAILURES in one’s life.

Neither given up on — since they are so clearly right.

Nor progressed towards in any way.


You absolutely can not accept that complacency.

Ideals or not — if you can’t make them real — you must give up on them.

Give up hope if you must. Give up hope if it doesn’t serve you.

Give up all ambition and hope and ideals.

So that when you pick them up again — you WILL BE SERIOUS.


And to be serious is to take REAL ACTION.

And to be serious is to despise vagueness. You can’t take tangible action if you lack tangible plan.


Either give up and let go of that burden,

Or get serious and take real action, and make real, tangible improvements — no matter how small.


PREFERABLY give up most nonsense that’s been put to your head, nonsense ideas of all the things you should do and should be,

Give that up — so that you can ACTUALLY commit to but a single of those things.