Philosophy Spirituality

Boast Is Insecurity

Boast is insecurity.

Anything boastful that is not a neutral, pertinent statement of facts — is INSECURITY.


What does a boast communicate? Why does one boast? What is achieved?

To boast, to promote = to communicate value of something.

When do we communicate something in the first place?

When it’s NOT OBVIOUS.

Therefore it’s IMPOSSIBLE to BOAST, to PROMOTE, without also implying that it’s NOT obvious that something has value.


Now, it’s absolutely understandable if the value of something is not obvious. Then you communicate it.

You neutrally state positive qualities of that thing, and you also state negative qualities of that thing, otherwise you are being disingenuous.

Many things are not obvious and we strive to make them a bit more clear.


But what happens when you yourself BOAST? When you promote yourself?

Well YOUR VALUE may also NOT be obvious.

If someone is looking for particular values — and you happen to be in possession of them — it would only be helpful to convey that truth, and facilitate this mutually-beneficial value exchange.


So where’s the problem?

The problem is when you’re selling — but no one is buying!

Your value is NOT obvious, therefore you strive to communicate it — but there’s NOTHING GAINED from communicating it. Because no one even ASKED about that value

Therefore you are NOT facilitating a mutually-beneficial exchange of value.

You’re not responding to anything. You’re just wasting breath broadcasting something no one asked for.

What is even the point?

It’s pointless indeed, but you do it anyway.

And you’re doing for the same reason I would do it. To COMMUNICATE something you believe is pertinent.

The difference is only in our understanding of that which is relevant,


The difference is only in our understanding of that which is relevant,

I believe I am “GOOD” by DEFAULT. I don’t have to justify it. There’s nothing to talk about. This IS, indeed, obvious.

And it’s only when someone is looking for something SPECIFIC — I provide additional details — for the purpose of facilitating a value exchange.

What YOU believe, however, is that you have to BOAST ALL THE TIME.

Because you don’t believe you are EVER GOOD ENOUGH.

You think you have to be more.

You think they don’t believe you have enough VALUE to be worthy of their time — therefore you are now JUSTIFYING YOUR EXISTENCE.

You are explaining to them why it is that you are worthy of their time,

You believe it’s what you have to do, it’s what you have to communicate — just like I believe in communicating certain facts about myself if those facts are pertinent.


The problem is that you are wrong.

And at first it’s cute. It’s merely you being confused. You talk a bit too much about yourself, or something you consider VALUABLE. You believe SOMEONE CARES.

But then eventually, if left unopposed, it becomes a perversion.

No one cares about your VALUE — not unless it’s sought after specifically — so you may get an impression that your demonstration of value went UNAPPRECIATED.

Instead of realising that no one cares about your special value, or whatever value that you think everyone is so obsessed about — you instead double down and believe you must bring MORE VALUE,

And therefore you BOAST more,

And then it still goes unappreciated,

And if you’re stubborn — you boast even more,

And the downward spiral begins


And you may ask:

“What if this predicament causes someone to continuously acquire more value — in order to continue one-upping his previous boasts — thus rendering the “downward spiral” actually beneficial” ?


That which you do to impress others becomes more and more disconnected from doing that what you actually want YOURSELF,

And furthermore — those ideas you take about what it is that is considered an IMPRESSIVE “SUCCESS” — become more and more disconnected from what ACTUAL SUCCESS IS,

You can only know something first hand. If you don’t know if first-hand — you’re just dealing with it’s IMAGE,

If your idea of success is someone else’s idea of success — then you know NO success, period. You just know an IMAGE of something.

And this is what you become,

A paper-thin POSTER of success, smiling, tall and imposing within that 1 meter frame — but not a real thing, not a real person, and definitely not a real success.



Each moment you succumb to the temptation to BOAST — you affirmed LESS of yourself, and more of something else, and more of INSECURITY


…and we KNOW IT,

We LAUGH at boastful types,

If someone came up to you and BOASTED how good he is at standing on one leg, or how dexterous he is being able to move his small finger, or how good at math he is, adding 2+2 — you’d think he is being ridiculous,


If you ARE something — then there’s nothing left to say there. It gets BORING. Finding 1 dollar bill in your wallet gets boring. Why would finding 1000 dollar bill NOT eventually get boring? What is there to talk about?

We only fail to LAUGH at it, and only fail to recognise the ulterior motive of EGO-gratification — because we actually ARE impressed by the thing itself,

We are NOT EVEN IMPRESSED BY THE PERSON. We see that person in front of us — and we see that he’s just like the rest of us.

He may be smarter but he is shorter. Or he may be prettier but he is less cool. He may be successful but he is not wise. Either way — HE’S JUST NOT SO SPECIAL,

It’s the THING he brags about that is HALF-interesting — because WHY WOULDN’T WE LIKE IT FOR OURSELVES? We all like to get MORE things,

And this is the only reason why his brag is not laughed out of the room,

Because we give him that benefit of the doubt,

We take that chance of MAYBE acquiring something more for ourselves,

…but if not that,

We’d see him for a pathetic little baby


So please get over ANY desire to EVER impress anyone,

Because the more you get of it — the lesser you become


This is the TRUE “flex”, if you will


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