
Dislike is Hate is Destructive

Dislike is hate

(and hostility is violence)


There’s no such thing as ”positive dislike”

Dislike is always negative is destructive

Criticism is negative is destructive


Constructive is love

Constructive is creation of more of that which you love, more of that which is love-ly


Creation of love-ly things is not an act of disliking, antipathy

It feels like love, like love-making, like the most lovely-thing, like being in love,

There’s no attention given to what is “disliked”


To say “I dislike something” is to say “part of me is DEAD”

The part of you which could love (something) and give love and create love — that part is dead

That part is not being creative, it is not a creative entity

It’s dead


That part is instead focused on DISLIKE

That’s what is being perceived

That is the entirety of that part of you — DISLIKE, DESTRUCTION

The moment you say “I dislike X” is the moment you’re are disliking, uncreative, destructive,

At that moment, if you died, it would be written on your grave that your last words were “I dislike X”,

Your life is but a collection of moments,

Every moment you dislike something is the moment you write on your own grave what DEFINED YOU in this lifetime,

It was some of your pristine attention, focus, energy, devoted to DISLIKING


This is why there’s no such thing as a “positive” dislike

There is no such thing as a “justified” dislike

It’s not a fucking matter of “preference”, as you may naively believe

Preference is merely strategic choosing between things you love, with specific purpose in mind.

It does not necessitate any dislike taking place


I mean it literally: don’t say “I DISLIKE X”,

Don’t say it like it’s some matter of fact

You take it for granted your own negativity, violence, antipathy,

You can’t take it for granted

There’s no time! You will die soon and you must choose what you have focused on

on that which you love

or on whatever’s left, that you take for granted


There’s NOTHING trivial about saying “I dislike that”,

There’s NOTHING obvious in it,

There’s NOTHING concrete about it

Nothing real about it, nothing concrete about it — BESIDES your attention, your attitude

THAT is real. Your attention to the disliked, unwanted, unappreciated, loathed

And nothing else is real,


What is it that’s so real about your “DISLIKE” for something…?

If I asked you you wouldn’t even be able to explain it,

You’d give reasons,

“I dislike it because of this and that reason”,

I’d ask why are those reasons so important,

You’d give more reasons,

You’d give more reasons and I’d ask more questions,

You wouldn’t get very deep because there’s NOTHING DEEP about WHY you dislike something,

It’s a BAD habit. It’s a LEARNED NEGATIVITY.

You wouldn’t give a deep philosophical explanation, deep moral or spiritual explanation. And even if you would — that would be even easier to undermine — picking ANY fucking counter-theory and counter-belief, which our culture is ABOUND with


There’s nothing “real” about your DISLIKE, your antipathy — only your negative, unconstructive attitude, perception,

You have been infected by a maladaptive schema, by a malicious virus