

Realness is truth is elevating


Untruth, unreal — is how you get stuck

The map you use matches the reality — or not

You can get away with imprecise map up to a certain point. You will get somewhere.

But eventually you get stuck

Your map is a lie — therefore it doesn’t take you where it promised to take you — therefore you get lost, you get stuck.


“TRUTH” is a big word

Let’s start with some fucking REALNESS

There are infinitely many truths out there — but you can’t have all of them, and you don’t need all of them.

Let’s start with REALNESS — which is the aspect of truth which is PERSONAL


PERSONAL does not mean it’s somehow so vague that it can’t be defined

Your personal truths may be invisible from the outside — but they are VISIBLE from the inside

Scientific instruments will fail to unravel your personal truths — but you alone do have that capacity


You have that capacity, but you avoid it

Because truth is hard to bear

Because your interests are conflicted

The incentive to unravel the truth is not obvious

There are disadvantages to unravelling the truth. Unflattering realisations about oneself. Necessity to exert energy. Necessity to take risks. A sense of insecurity.

The advantage is already explained — you acquire the RIGHT map

You acquire the right map — and you can resume your journey.

But do you even want to resume the journey?

You got used to the old boring comfortable place in life that you found yourself in

You only say you want to change, but we rarely truly want to change


Thus it’s easier to consider personal truths as unreal, inscrutable,

And it’s easier to deny the existence of any map, and route from your place to superior destination

This is what we do


But truth is true all the same,

And sometimes we espy something which exudes profound truth.

Sometimes we come across REALNESS

And it’s breathtaking


It’s breathtaking because we KNOW the value of the TRUTH

We may personally escape it — but when we see it — we understand it’s value

We know it’s a map to a secret treasure


What is “REALNESS”?

Realness is how PERSONAL TRUTH is conveyed

We live for that moment of realness

For that moment when we have the courage to BE REAL, to LIVE AND BREATHE the truth

And we are DRAWN to realness

It’s a smell of liberation

It’s a smell of secret treasure


What is “REALNESS”?


It is thus characterised by great conviction, congruence and passion.

This is “REALNESS”,


Communication of this “realness” could happen directly or indirectly

Directly it’s you speaking your mind, conveying yourself

Indirectly it’s you speaking through a MEDIUM: such as art, writing, ritual, etc.


REALNESS is elevating because realness is truth

In realness — you are EXPLORING your personal truths

You are also exploring personal truths of others,

But you two really mirror each other — therefore this really is an exploration of ALL consciousness

In REALNESS — you acquire the right map


The opposite happens when we resist personal truths

We LOSE realness

There’s less potency in our words, less energy in our work, less conviction, less appeal, less charisma, less joy

There’s a sense of superficiality,

There’s a certain tension and reservation, as though one fears being unmasked, seen for what he truly is

The absence of self-acceptance is felt by the observer, and it is an uncomfortable feeling, suffocating

“Realness” liberates the REAL one, and the sensation of begin liberated is passed onto the observer

The opposite is true for the absence of realness — which makes you feel enslaved by arbitrary pretence and expectations


We get stuck when there is NOT this capacity to be real

We get stuck when we lack courage to be REAL — lack the courage to be VULNERABLE

We get stuck with the wrong map and no idea where to go, how to unstuck ourselves, how to stop moving in circles


“REALNESS” verily is the first step

If LOVE is the fuel, WILL TO LIVE is the fuel, WILL TO ELEVATE and EXPLORE is the FUEL — then REALNESS is the foundation, REALNESS is the MAP… the MAP OF MAPS


I believe this is also why even DARKNESS — if “REAL” — has an ELEVATING effect

Even the dark and the depressive and the pessimistic and the angry — even that — if explored through REALNESS — has an elevating effect.

This must be distinguished from ever DWELLING in those states


This includes the unflattering, the undesirable, the destructive

You SEE the darkness in you

And then you choose the WAY YOU WANT TO BE

And it’s that choice which is the fuel, and the foundation. It’s creativity and passion and love and appreciation and gratitude. You choose to permeate your life with those qualities.

But it is all informed by the clarity of the right map, by the purity of REALNESS

There’s no denial. No fakeness. Realness always comes first

And then there is the choice

And then there is the action


Please be real

Realness is so underrated

Even more so today — when absolutely nothing is real. We confuse the symbol with the real thing

Also realness is mistook for complacency. One has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with another. Realness is merely admitting and speaking the (personal or otherwise) truth. What you do with it is a completely different matter.

“Self-improvement” and realness are obviously absolutely not at odds

Furthermore realness is not “controversial” or “edgy”. REALNESS is calm and accepting and refreshing.

We believe realness is so “edgy” and “dangerous” because we are never truly real — to see just how INNOCUOUS and INNOCENT our true selves are. So we associate “realness” with being loud and shocking — because we believe loudness is what it takes, and shocking is the outcome.

Yes, even realness has been confused for what we believe realness is supposed to look like. Being rude and blunt and controversial and “shocking”


Be real

Starting with actually asking for what you want

Starting with actually saying what you don’t want

Starting with actually conveying yourself in THOSE times when it makes you feel uncomfortable

Starting with actually conveying yourself to people that you never speak to

Starting with actually ADMITTING TO YOURSELF, LOUDLY, how you feel about yourself, your life, your work

And how you feel about others, and the world,

Not any bullshit you learned — but being REAL. As though your life depended on it. As though you were talking to a GOD — and he knew everything, and you couldn’t bullshit him, and you couldn’t impress him, not with your plans, and not with your posey morality

Starting with stripping yourself of the FAKENESS, of all the masks you accumulated over the years: literal and physical, as well as intangible and conventional

Also starting with finding OTHER outlets of your REALNESS: indeed art, indeed writing, indeed new pursuits which challenge parts of you which you didn’t duly explore

Be real