
I like when I can’t predict what someone will say

I play the “predicting game

That includes men

I ask myself if I can predict what someone will say


I like it when I can’t predict what someone will say

Makes it interesting

Makes me learn something


I can’t predict what someone will say because it’s either:


-or I’m too stupid/ignorant


…granted “nonsense” is often quite predictable,

If someone is stupid — you eventually get an idea of their FLAVOUR OF STUPIDITY


Yes, there are some highly intelligent or educated people who also happen to be crazy.

They will surprise you and you won’t be able to refute them


Thus I like the flavour of “I can’t predict what you are going to say but I am quite confident of the veracity and value of your words”

I’m not so proud or delusional to presume I understand more than I do

Whether you’re too crazy or too smart for me — I don’t merit from listening to you — and will let you know

When you’re too stupid I will also let you know

Not in an offensive way — it’s just that we are not fit for each other at given moment

But I will love to listen to you if I’m confident that you’re making sense — yet can’t predict what you’re going to say


It’s a good heuristic. Try it out

Some of us have different heuristic: unless I understand and agree with everything the other person is saying — I don’t merit from talking to them.

Why not try listening to people you don’t entirely agree on, and can’t entirely follow?

Try it and you’ll perhaps reveal whether you are interested in confirming your believes — or learning something new