
Multithreading (And Learning How To Think)

Multithreading teaches you about all successful reasoning, single-threading or multi-threading the same.


Successful reasoning is the same as successful travelling — it’s about successfully efficiently steadily getting from point A to point Z.

A single thread has the purpose of going from point A to Z.

Running multiple threads simultaneously means you’re getting multiple threads simultaneously from point A to point Z


To move efficiently and steadily is to NOT move unsteadily. It means to not wander (be lost), but instead steadily and directly move forward.

When you’re multi-threading, multi-tasking, multi-whatever — you are less efficient.

Why? Because when you switch between tasks, switch between threads — you LOSE some of the progress you made.

What happens is that on your journey from point A to point Z — there are many intermittent stages. E.g. point B, point C, point G, point T, etc…

And as you incompetently switch between threads — you lose some of the progress you made, some of the stages you reached. E.g. from D to G, or from H to K, etc.

This is why multitasking is so criticised and considered ineffective.

It is because you lose data when switching tasks. Thus getting less done in aggregate .


The criticism however is misguided. It’s not the activity which is the problem — it’s the actor and his actions.

It’s you who is poor at multi-threading.

And when you look carefully — you’re also poor at single-threading. You’re just less poor at that.

You are NOT the most efficient at getting from point A to point Z.

Even when running a single-thread — you fail to find the most effective path forward — and wander off.

You fail to find the most appropriate, effective, steady reasoning. You don’t understand how the tool of your own intelligence works, and you don’t understand how the knowledge and information you wield works

Therefore you wander and you are inefficient


Multi-threading is indeed much harder than single-threading.

If you can actually learn to get better at it — you get better at ALL reasoning period.

It’s because you learn how to use this tool of your very-personal-computer, your brain,

You understand how many calculations and transformations and iterations your CPU can perform at given time

You understand how much data you can store in your RAM at a single instance

You understand how much data you can write to your hard drive for the long term, so that it’s actually useful

And you understand which problems require which algorithms, to be solved most efficiently


You learn the above because if you don’t — your brain crashes, you lose data, you lose any progress made, and you fail. You see that you fail therefore you learn that you should be doing something differently.

You only learn it after you have noticed the decreased performance.

If you hadn’t noticed it — you wouldn’t have even consider the idea of USING your BRAIN more efficiently. There would NOT be such a consideration. You realise your cognitive powers and problem-solving-abilities are NOT fixed. You realise you could do worse. Therefore you could also do better. It’s not fixed


I recommend training your cognitive powers.

To not evolve is to devolve. You were given brain to use it. Learn to use it, before you die.

I recommend stress-testing your cognitive powers.

Try multi-threading and try single-threading and observe the differences.

Break down the threads you’re running, and investigate which parts of the process are causing problems and setting you back

Learn how you learn

Learn how you think

Learn how your cognition works