
Progression From Fun Uselessness to Fun Usefulness

It’s not what you do — it’s your attitude which matters

Whatever it is that you’re doing — it ultimately becomes a projection in your psyche

When you feel great — everything feels better

When you feel terrible — nothing feels good at all

Therefore it’s your inner state, and your attitude — is what matters


If your attitude is all that matters — then this sheds a new light on the kind of things you’d choose to do

Why would you ever do anything useless — if you could instead do something useful?

We only do useless things because we believe they are anyhow more pleasant, more easy, more “fun”

But if you believed that YOU CAN DECIDE what is FUN, what is EXCITING, what is PLEASANT — then you wouldn’t look for “fun” stuff to do. You’d just do something useful — and have JOY while doing it


Of course the transition is not instantaneous

But it starts with understanding that you have the power over your attitude, your mind, your thoughts, your emotions, your experience


Of course it’s a spectrum:

Where some can only derive any satisfaction and pleasure from a new, intense, arbitrary stimuli

And others can derive utmost exhilaration from any single thing they do

And then there’s everyone in between

It’s easy to say that it’s “all attitude” — it’s difficult to actually change

In practical terms, it’s a climb


It’s a climb, where one would elevate:

-from pleasure-pursuit and distraction-pursuit

-through more creative and instructive and challenging “hobbies”

-to more and more useful pursuits which impact one’s entire life

-to long term vision of one’s life, one’s values, one’s work, one’s impact


It’s a climb, where you want to be progressively introducing more and more creative, more and more meaningful pursuits, and more and more edifying ideas,

And where you want to be progressively eliminating the lesser urges and diversions, slowly and steadily eliminating them from your life


Accountability helps.

It helps to measure how much time and energy and resources you devote to each business

You want to measure it in many ways. A lot of life is inscrutable — but that doesn’t mean cease measuring. It means find more ways to measure it, and construe understanding from that

And you want to measure what you get in return. How you feel

You want to measure EVERY single thing in your life: what it cost you, and what it gives in return

You want to consciously choose what you want to get out of every single thing you ever engage in

And ultimately, you want to consciously choose what you want to get out from the life as a whole, and how you want to feel within this lifetime, as a whole