Lifestyle Philosophy

What Improvement Actually Means

Every single thing around you could be improved

(Or, if it’s already perfect — it can still be changed, be made different)


Every single thing around you can be improved

It requires intent,

Then realisation of that intent,

There is a degree of exertion

There is a movement of resources

There is a change which occurs, first inside, then outside,

Improvement is not for free

It may be expensive or inexpensive, but it’s not for free

At very least it requires intent, and TRUE intent is actually extremely rare (therefore expensive)


Every single thing around you can be improved

The first thought you have in the morning — can be improved

The first thing you see out of the bed — can be improved

The first thing you do out of bed — can be improved

What you’ll do for the rest of the day — can be improved

How you do it — can be improved

Tools with which you do it — can be improved

Where you do it — can be improved

Every single person you meet today, how you treated them — can be improved

Every single person you meet today — can be improved

Every single thought and emotion throughout the rest of that day — can be improved

When you look yourself in the mirror after the shower — whatever it is that you see — you can improve it, if you want to



It’s actually, or perhaps obviously, even more palpable with real, small, tangible things

Perhaps all your GRAND PLANS and GRAND CHANGES are all a fucking joke, a confabulation

Perhaps what’s real is what is actually happening today

And perhaps start with something as real and tangible and physical as possible

Put something tastier and healthier into your mouth — and PHYSICALLY smile

Put on some nicer cloths and pretend that you represent more than you think you do. Maybe you will feel the extra inclination to bring out your A-game today

Whatever it is that you’re doing — try finding a bit higher quality, or a bit more efficient way to do it

If there’s something that’s not working in your life — SOMETHING VERY REAL AND PHYSICAL — like your computer freezing or your doors creaking or your guitar cable slipping — go ahead and FUCKING FIX IT NOW.

Improvement is very,

very very REAL


Every single thing around you can be improved

We taught ourselves to be blind to it

We taught ourselves that improvement is something VERY DRAMATIC

That our entire lives should ONE DAY CHANGE IN AN INSTANT

This is of course nonsense

Change is continues. It’s what you do every day


Every single thing around you can be improved

But we learned to DISTRACT ourselves from REAL improvement

See, improvement is not free. It requires intent, at very least

Do you know what’s free? PRETENCE.

PRETENDING that you’re improving — that’s free

You will distract yourself, bringing false improvement into your life, seeking improvement everywhere but where it actually is

You will distract yourself with nonsense news and nonsense knowledge and nonsense toys and nonsense accomplishment

And of course — you’ll spray perfume and lipstick over a fucking piece of shit

You’ll be a piece of shit making cute faces in a fake private jet with a bottle of cheap whisky

And you’re not even conscious of it

After lifetime of cultivating symbols and appearances over the real thing — you no longer even believe that the real thing even exists


And this is why you now don’t even notice the fucking stink in your room

You become blind to real improvement

You’re always waiting for the improvement to come from the outside

You think working on whatever it is that you’re working — will somehow magically carry over and improve everything else in your life

It’s EXACTLY the opposite


Because only that is ALWAYS TRULY REAL

It really doesn’t matter how much you improve your chess moves or business moves — if your house fucking stinks

And OF COURSE pouring perfume over that house makes it even worse

Which is the second thing we learned to do. Even worse than playing stupid games — we play the APPEARANCES-game — achieving ABSOLUTELY FUCK ALL


FUCK all that

Get rid of ALL appearances

Get rid of ALL distractions

Get rid of all excuses

Get rid of all that is NOT necessary

Get rid of FALSE improvement

Get rid of all that fucking nonsense

And go fix the dripping water