
Reactions as Your Guide to Subconscious

Your subconscious runs you.

It’s a fact.

You think you know what you’re doing but you’re only scratching the surface. The program is in the subconscious and unless you become aware of it – you’re NOT in control.


How does one become aware of one’s subconscious?


What’s one simple way?

Study your reactions.


Your reactions are window to your soul.

They are instant and habitual.

That indicates these are hardly conscious. Consciousness is slow. You must at least formulate your thought in your mind. Subconscious is rapid. Just like your gut reaction.


You can have a reaction to a person you meet.

You can have a reaction to a situation you find yourself in.

You can have a reaction to something happening to you.

You can have a reaction to learning something.

You can have a reaction to seeing something, remembering something.

You can have a reaction to an idea, belief, postulate, opinion….


Your reaction reveals your mental models.

Your mental models run you. Those are the decisions you make instantaneously. Sometimes of grave importance. Followed then only by self-reinforcing conscious rationalisation and no actual criticism or reflection.


You don’t need a guru.

You don’t need to meditate 24/7.

You can begin by studying your reactions.

From there – you will not unlikely be drawn to going deeper down the rabbit hole of truth.

Go deep enough, probing, and see the psychological problem becoming spiritual, the tangible question becoming transcendental.

This is how one truly discovers spirituality. Which means to discover oneself.