
What Love Doesn’t Mean

Love is not a “high”

Love it not a “feel good” ideal

Love is not cheap morality

Love is “not answer to all”, not literally. Not a simple answer to all problems of the universe


Love is indeed a feeling, though

(Or rather it has a very specific feeling)

And love is indeed an attitude

And love is indeed a paradigm


But feelings have to be sincere

Attitude only has meaning if it’s transformed into tangible action and result

And likewise paradigm is only meaningful if it represents something real


Love is not something to overcomplicate, NOR to oversimplify


Love is not something to overcomplicate

When you feel love — it’s love

When you feel such profound fondness of something, that essentially you feel profound fondness of everything,

and consequently gratitude and happiness and joy and excitement,

that is love indeed

(and ideally eventually it won’t just be something but shall be everything, permanently everything)


And when you feel this love and feel so grateful and complete and therefore abundant — all you could ever wish is for others to feel this way too

You feel invincible and complete — and therefore you can’t conceive of winning or losing, nor of becoming complete

And therefore you can’t conceive of anything but the betterment of the world, betterment of others

Nothing else makes any sense

Nothing else gains anything

This is the paradigm of love

And then the only way to gain is go beyond you, you already complete

And this is the attitude of love


This is the attitude of love

It’s measurable in “giving”

And of course in “taking” as well

Again there’s nothing here to overcomplicate

Take less and give more


And if someone proclaims how much they give and takes a lot — then perhaps they’re not so much motivated by love

And this is perfectly fine

Their not complete yet. Maybe EVER they’ll complete themselves. Let’s be hopeful


But it must not be oversimplified either

Love is not like your fake smile.

Love is not like your political views, or religion

Love is not like your idea of enhancing yourself

You can’t just SMILE and call yourself “loving”

You can’t just PROCLAIM LOVE, like you proclaim your support for some politician

You can’t just talk about the ideal of love and believe yourself to be moving closer to that ideal

All that is symbolic. You’re mistaking the appearance for the real thing


MAYBE love is not for you

Maybe you’re not ready for love

The moment you say you found it — you prevent yourself from seeking it

Now you’re forsaken


Find actual love

Not a passing high,

Not a dumb woo-woo ideal,

Nor a lofty ideal either. Doesn’t matter if a new age cunt wrote about it or an egghead philosopher or if mr. boss bullshitted about it

Not a solution to all problems, a magic secret to the universe, like you have a clue

Al that is sick perversion, a mockery


Find true love

In looking at something that you love

Doing something that you love, actually love

In actually feeling good

In actually doing something good

Take those moments, and REALLY, REALLY FOCUS on that feeling of love

On that attitude which produced that love

On the philosophy which it implies

Not on nonsense!

That feeling is within you, and it’s a private thing

It’s not something you can prostitute and defile by talking about it and flaunting it

You share it by giving, not by talking about it


This is what love means