Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality

I Love Feeling Unwell

I love feeling unwell


When you feel well — everything is well

That’s why I recommend feeling well first — before making things well


But when everything is well — you are deprived of a crucial information

You are deprived of a crucial stressor

You are deprived of a crucial challenge


I love feeling unwell like I love getting unlucky

This is when my Pollyanna life philosophy is tested

This is when my powers of adaptation are tested


Again: When you feel well — everything is well

It becomes a little less important what you’re making out of this precious life of yours, precious time of yours

It becomes a little less important — because you feel so good

When you feel less good, when you doubt, when you struggle — you are challenged to find deeper meaning

You are challenged to ask questions

Sometimes you become a mad zealot, true. But even zealotism has a degree of admirable fire, to bring into one’s life

And more depth


When you feel well — everything is well

Little details of your everyday life become a little less important

This is treacherous

At the end ONLY the details matter

Specifically the details which you control

Your entire life can go in many strange directions. But that problem which is right in front of you — THAT IS REAL

It’s easy to become intoxicated, distracted the the BIG WORLD and GRAND SCHEMES and EXCITING NARRATIVES

But the truth is — life is today

When things don’t go so well — you can learn that fucking lesson

You can distract yourself even worse, for the pain is unbearable

Or you can APPLY yourself more, FOCUS on TANGIBLE DETAILS a little more, focus on REAL PROBLEMS a little more, and try to do a LITTLE BIT BETTER TODAY

Learn this and you truly are unstoppable

This is how you really learn to focus


When you feel unwell — you actually learn how to FEEL WELL

Because this is when you actually get feedback on what truly works

If you can consistently WILL yourself from feeling UNWELL to feeling WELL — you learn what truly makes a difference


And when eventually you stop feeling so unwell — you receive the gift of gratitude

You often feel better than ever!

Gift of suffering is gift of gratitude indeed


Indeed be grateful for feeling unwell

First stop feeling unwell ABOUT feeling unwell

Learn to accept it. This is another wonderful lesson

You will die one day. You will die because your body will not be so well. Learn this lesson.

If you inquire truly, truly deeply, into this UNWELL-state — you begin to appreciate just how WELL you actually are

Everyone is lucky be definition, to be alive

And everyone’s alive is more well than the dead


I love feeling unwell