Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality World

Nothing’s Free Yet You Received a Gift Yet You’re Entitled to SHIT

What’s the price of life?

What’s the price of freedom?


Life is not free

Freedom is not free

You’re not free to live as you please

You’re not even necessarily free to live


The world created you

and the world might as well swallow you instantly


You could have never been born

You could have been born dead

You could have been born only to be killed immediately

You could have been born and have grown up and have had dreams and aspirations and then have died

Yo could have been born and have had dreams and aspirations and then have had those dreams crushed


You could have been born and lived and had food on your table

You could have been born and had roof above your head

You could have been born and lived long and happy life


You could have been born and lived and suffered and then died

You could have been born and starved

You could have been born and struggled to survive and then died

You could have been born and gotten pregnant and died

You could have been born and died in a war

You could have been born and died of pestilence


You could have been born and became an engineer

You could have been born and became a trader and then had fucking roof cave in on your head

You could have been born and had an accident and became paralysed

You could have been born and bought an iPhone


You could have been born and have been killed by a hostile tribe

You could have been born and froze in the cold winter

You could have been born and have built a house and see it burn

You could have been born and have built a castle and died there of burst belly

You could have been born and never have owned your own place

You could have been born and someone else owned the place where you lived, and you were paying him your entire life, till you died

You could have been born and had a mansion with a pool, and overdosed there


You could have been born and struggled to survive

You could have been born and have been a slave

You could have been born and have spent your life doing what the society expected of you

You could have been born and spent your life writing equations on a chalkboard, or maybe writing code on a computer

You could have been born and spent your life entertaining people

You could have been born and have done something random

You could have been born and have done nothing



You are born and you’re entitled to shit

You had no saying in what time and society you were born to

You are born there and the only thing that’s RIGHT is what YOU MAKE RIGHT

NOTHING is intrinsically right


It’s not intrinsically right that you should live. You could have never been born

It’s not intrinsically right that you should not suffer.

It’s not intrinsically right that you should have what others have.

It’s not intrinsically right that you deserve a roof over your head.

It’s not intrinsically right that you deserve freedom


You are born and you’re entitled to shit

You had no saying in what time and society you were born to

Then you’re born and you look around and learn to grovel

You quickly learn what’s IMPOSSIBLE, and don’t cry about it

But then you quickly learn what you’re ENTITLED TO,

And you are sad when you don’t get it

And you grovel, supplicate yourself to the world, to give it to you

And you whimper

And you ramble about ideals and philosophies and politics and what’s right and what’s wrong and morality and god and what fucking not


You are born and you’re entitled to shit

Look around yourself

NONE of that you’re entitled to

Not your smartphone

Not your TV

Not that hamburger

Not the air in this room

Not this person to even look at you

Not to have a drink and put your feet up

Not to get a job

Not to get paid

Not to listen to a song

Not to this chair and this bed

Not to fantastic world around you

Not to the rivers not to the forests not to the lakes not to the seas not the mountains

Not even to live




EVERYTHING is a gift

The earth not yet destroyed is a gift

Finding place on this earth, before getting killed, is a gift

EVERY DAY obviously is a gift




You are entitled to shit

Your god gives you another day to live


AND you are entitled to shit

EVERYTHING you so hate about the modern world — comes with EVERYTHING YOU TAKE FOR FUCKING GRANTED

Every TOY, every TOOL, every DIVERSION, every DISTRACTION, every PASSION even, every AMBITION,

ALL of that you INHERIT from the world to which you’ll born to

And then you dare CONDEMN this world,

UTTERLY oblivious that this is a GIFT

That even the fact that you can THINK of what’s DISAPPOINTING is a LUXURY, is a GIFT

That it’s a debt that can never be repaid




And I’m ashamed of having ever complained


-Complaining about life is UNGRATEFUL to the gift of life

-Complaining about world and society is UNGRATEFUL to your ancestors,

the herculean work they did for the humanity,

and it’s ungrateful to your fellow living humans, for not having disposed of your ungrateful useless ass



You are entitled to shit

Freedom is not free

You take space in this world

You could as well have never been born

Your daddy could have worn a condom

Your mother could have aborted you

Your government could have decided that there’s no more space in this land for you

Your neighbouring state could have decided to free this land from you and those like you

It doesn’t matter that you didn’t ask to come to this world

If you don’t like it — you can always go back, now

Freedom is not free

Take it or leave it


What is the meaning of this all?


The system owes you shit. You owe the system. Make sure first that you repay your debt


PERHAPS the system is horrible

But you’re still alive, aren’t you?

Do your duty and repay the system for not killing you

If you think death is better — then kill yourself. Or go to war against the system. Just be honest about it.

Just be honest about it and ACTUALLY do something about it, if you think it’s wrong — rather than WHINE about it, while enjoying all it has ever given you


The system owes you shit,

And life owes you shit

You owe life

You’re alive

Your duty is to be as alive as possible


Everything is a gift

One day it’s noble purpose, next day it’s empty pleasure, next day it’s boring comforting routine, next day it’s a thrilling adventure, and next day it’s struggle to survive

All of that is a gift

Who are you to decide

You’re entitled to shit


Once again

Complaining about your life is ungrateful for the gift of life. Would you rather die?

Complaining about the system is ungrateful for the opportunities you received.

If nothing else opportunity to live and complain. But in XXI century, you’ve received more than any of your ancestors ever.


Is there no place for dissatisfaction?

INDEED there isn’t

I am literally saying that everything is a gift

If something is a lovely gift — you DON’T COMPLAIN

It’s NOT far-fetched. It’s extremely clear



There’s only DOING BETTER

Complaining doesn’t exist

It’s a lie

It’s a disease


If you don’t like your life, you can make it better, or NOT make it better, or kill yourself, but you literally have no right to complain. Complaining just doesn’t exist.

It’s an illusion. It’s what you learned to do to get what you want — but GOD already gave you EVERYTHING. There’s nothing more to obtain. Therefore complaining is a lie, an ILLUSION


If you don’t like this world, this system, you can make it better, or NOT make it better,


Do you really not see?

The world doesn’t OWE you


This world not only didn’t kill you, it gave you institutions and values to survive and thrive

Even the inferior world of our ancestors often gave more than it took

Complaining is an illusion

There’s ONLY what you’re given

The rest of the work is up to you


I can’t respect any complaints

I can’t respect anything less but personal responsibility

I can’t respect anyone who blames the system

I can’t respect anyone who doesn’t work on himself

I can’t respect anyone whose not actively trying to make this world better

It’s all ignorance, ingratitude and delusion

The world is 99% complaining ignorant parasites

The 1% doesn’t have time to complain because is busy making their lives better, or making the world better, or both

That 1% is how anything gets done


This text is over and this complaint is over

I’m done complaining

There’s no time