Lifestyle Spirituality

Allow Love

Is there something, anything, that you LOVE unconditionally?



Perhaps you ALWAYS LOVE to play the piano

Perhaps you LOVE EVERY cat you ever see

Perhaps you ALWAYS LOVE pizza

Perhaps you ALWAYS LOVE going for a walk


Of course that thing itself is a condition

If you always love to play the piano — it must still be a piano, and not violin (though perhaps you also love to play the violin)

Or if you love every cat — it must still be a cat, and not a dog, and likely not exactly tiger either.


Those are conditions indeed


But you don’t sit there and PONDER CONDITIONS, do you?

When you love something this way — there’s not much you ponder anyway

You just love


This is THE lesson

When you think too much — you lose love

When you doubt too much — you lose love

When you COMPARE too much — you lose love

When you LABEL too much — you lose love


This is not to say you shouldn’t think, doubt, develop taste, organise, etc…

You should

And developing discernment is great part of actually learning to appreciate something, learning to value something


However thoughts, ideas, beliefs — have the unfortunate tendency of lingering — even after their purpose has long been served

And we have unfortunate tendency to mistake the SYMBOL for the REAL THING

The symbol, the representation, the abstraction — such as thought, idea, appearance, etc.

This very false image later prevents from actually accessing the reality


…and it destroys love

The innocent love of just LOVING SOMETHING ENTIRELY,

Without doubting, without thinking, without fearing, without inhibition


Permit yourself to love


Permit yourself to love,

STILL do your best

STILL be selective about every hour of your life and every thing in your life and every person in your life,

But when you’ve to love — LOVE

When you see something LOVELY — please ALLOW YOURSELF TO LOVE


Just allow it

Just let it be

Just enjoy it

Just cherish it

Just don’t destroy it

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