
About Victim-Bias

Of course we have a victim bias

If nothing else, it would result from empathy

To live after death, we must pass on part of ourselves

Our genes

Or our ideas

Both would require protecting some entity weaker than us, until they are strong enough to indeed carry on this part of us

So we evolved empathy, perhaps


Of course we have a victim bias

Of course we identify with the victim

It’s because we ourselves are victims

Who even considers themselves a WINNER?

No one

Everyone you know knows someone BETTER than them at something

There are no winners, only losers

And each of those losers can only take so much responsibility for being a loser

The rest of it he blames on others

Therefore identifies as a VICTIM

And when you’re a victim — then of course you’ll now side with the victim


A bias is, of course, a bias

Loser is just a loser

Winner is a winner

For there to be a winner — there must also be a loser

Therefore this can’t be solved

It’s a wrong question to ask

Victimhood, injustice, has NOTHING to do with there being LOSERS. Losers are necessary for the existence of winners


The better question is — how can we COLLECTIVELY, AS ONE, ELEVATE?

Well we can attempt to take each other up

You learned how to do something better and now you’ll teach me

In return I’ll teach you what I do better

I’ll give you something useful which I managed to create

You’ll give me something useful yourself

And then we invite even more people

Perhaps they can help us create more useful things, lovely things

Perhaps they have some useful ideas

This is how we collective elevate


The formula above doesn’t even mention, consider the concept of a “victim”

Because what does the victim contribute?

I’m not saying the victim can’t contribute — although indeed man who believe they are victimised and thus blameless, are a bit less likely to take responsibility, a bit less likely to take action and do something useful

But the point is — a victim is not a category defined by his contribution — therefore is absent from that formula

Only ELEVATORS are relevant for the PROCESS OF ELEVATION

It’s self-evident, tautological



This is the engine of progress

AGAIN, I’M NOT SAYING there’s not a different question:

HOW TO DISTRIBUTE THIS VALUE CREATED to those who failed to receive it?

But again — this problem only exists IF there is indeed surplus value created

Therefore IF indeed someone IS doing something useful, valuable in the first place

But yes, we can view it now as a failure of the system if someone fails to receive a share of that value created

I’m not denying this problem

Although I would caution against overzealousness in solving it

It would be most unfortunate if this quest for equity would come at the cost of impeding the engine of growth and elevation


And finally, at the most elementary level,


Having already established the necessity of there being LOSERS

Having already admitted the less-than-utopian state of the society… AND the basically the omnipotence-level difficulty of arranging it better…


How do we go from merely observing the inevitable loser, or the inevitable disadvantaged member of the system — to the MORAL JUDGEMENT of the state being somehow WRONG, EVIL, REPREHENSIBLE?

Where’s the formula for that moral arithmetic?

What’s the number? Number below which someone QUALIFIES as a VICTIM — and the rest of the SOCIETY qualify as EVIL VICTIMIZERS?

And how do you arrive at that number? How do you QUANTIFY IT?


Obviously you can’t

You can only DO YOUR BEST

But you can’t quantify it

You can’t bargain about it

You shouldn’t really talk much about


Only talk as much as is necessary to do better,

Not more and not less

Let the deeds do the talking

ONLY deeds can do the talking

The deeds, the REALITY, is the entire point

Not some abstract made-up utterly fucking intangible theory or ideal


Victim-bias exists

Virtue-signalling exists

Pop-morality exists

You want to feel virtuous, it’s a fact

You want some cheap meaning into your empty life

Not until you realise all of that,

will you find anything resembling virtue, morality,

anything resembling meaning

anything resembling reality

anything resembling betterment: personal or societal

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