Lifestyle Philosophy World




If it’s not resulting in PROGRESS — then it’s not really progressive, is it?

Intention of progress is not progress

Just like your intention to be famous and loved and big and strong doesn’t really make you famous and loved and big and strong and what-not


In real life we can tell apart WISHFULNESS from actual success

Tell apart fakes and posers from the real deal


But the more abstract the subject — the more abstract our judgement becomes

Abstract subject — meaning literally abstract, theoretical, ideological

Or abstract by the virtue of our poor grasp of it’s properties and logic

Both resulting in abstract judgement — abstract meaning diverting from objectivity


And then suddenly mere appearance becomes more important than the thing itself

Or the desirability of the conclusion becomes more important than the arguments supporting that conclusion

Or our value judgement of that conclusion, whether we deem it as “good” and… progressive, bringing progress, constituting a progress

The more abstract — the more we lose reality to abstraction

Including reality of progress

The fact of progress , or lack thereof


So now, it doesn’t matter if your PROGRESSIVE views and actions and manifestations ARE indeed bringing PROGRESS or not

It only matters if you believe they are progressive

You don’t ever intend to find out

You already gave up on reality

Progressives are the most religious men of them all


You want the APPEARANCE — not the real thing

Appearance is cheaper

Appearance appears just like the real thing

Ignorance is bliss


This is the problem of being progressive

OBVIOUSLY not the progress itself — which is by definition a progress, a superior development (even if sometimes at a cost of something else)

The problem of being progressive is that you NO LONGER CARE about TRUE PROGRESS

The LABEL of being progressive, the FEELING it gives you, the VIRTUE it endows you with — is BETTER than the THING ITSELF


And even if it’s not — you likely wouldn’t be able to understand true progress anyway

Because the world is fucking complicated

Historians, with benefit of hindsight, have a hard time agreeing of whether this decision and that decision were the good ones

Who are you to decide about those things?


Do you know what you’re good for?

For running your own life

Which is the single thing which you not only have the right to fuck up yourself — but should fuck up

This is how you learn

This is your true destiny

Not deciding about me and the rest of the society

First be PROGRESSIVE in your own fucking life

Then we’ll talk



This is how you learn what PROGRESSIVE truly means


Go ahead and bring about some REAL PROGRESS with something ACTUALLY REAL AND TANGIBLE

Than you know what progress is

That gives you some right to talk about it


…Now go ahead bring more progress

Actually make something other people want

Actually bring some progress into their lives — which they VOLUNTARILY accept — therefore VOLUNTARILY ADMIT to be bringing progress, BEING PROGRESSIVE

THIS is how you become PROGRESSIVE

THIS is what progressive means

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