
What They Think

What they think matters


-they are likely to be CORRECT

-and MORE correct than you


It’s that fucking simple


You can’t tell yourself that you don’t care — if you SHOULD CARE

Then you’re just being delusional

NOT caring about INSIGHTS which could benefit you is obviously SELF-defeating

You’re not rebelling against “them” — you’re rebelling against yourself


And when you TRULY have nothing to gain from their dumb opinions — is when you TRULY don’t worry, don’t care “what they think”

If you’re a chess grandmaster and some chess hustler is giving you the best opening advice — do you care? Do you have to convince yourself that you don’t care?

It does get tricky with personal matters

You may not care about their diet advice, business advice, movie recommendations,

But you DO CARE what they think about YOU AS A PERSON

ESPECIALLY if you yourself care about them


Again, if you DO CARE about that person in your life, or WHAT THEY COULD GIVE TO YOU — then you can’t really easily CONVINCE yourself that you don’t care

If they stand to benefit you in some way — you CARE about it

Likewise — if they can’t benefit you — you don’t need much convincing to not look at them twice


This is the right way of thinking about it

To say “I don’t care what others think” is simplistic and gains you little

To reflexively WORRY about everything, including what others THINK and how they SEE YOU — is also unavailing — UNLESS it is INQUIRED INTO, and UNDERSTOOD


When you find yourself caring what others think

worrying what others think,

You SHOULD take it very seriously

At least for the moment necessary to make a DECISION:



And the answer could be that you WILL ignore it.

Because you ALREADY made a plan. And the information received, the anxiety of other’s opinion — is NOT yet enough to CHANGE that plan. NOT YET.


Or you may decide to look into it deeper

Look for the merit of the other person’s perspective

INCLUDING the MERIT of impressing that person, this DESIRE to be VALIDATED by that person

And the underlying THING we WANT from that person

You may decide to look into all of that

Then you may be able to decide that:

-You LIKE what that person REPRESENTS. You think it’s an accurate way to live. Perhaps you want to imitate it

-Or you learn that you DO WANT something. You didn’t realise you wanted it so much. Let’s take that thing

it can go deep and deeper


And of course don’t in turn judge yourself for worrying and caring

You have wants, you have an EGO, you have feelings — and denying them changes nothing. It only aggravates matters

If you believe you can go beyond your ego and wants and feelings — then honestly prove it

Quietly transcend yourself

Instead of telling yourself about what ought to be, how enlightened or stoic you ought to be — actually BECOME THAT

With sincerity

MEANING the VERY TANGIBLE EMOTION, FEELING, THOUGHT-PATTERN, associated with ego / attachment / whatever — is actually materially alleviated

If you want that and can do that — do do that

But if you’re failing at that — then be honest about it

And realise you have wants and feelings and ego

That the problem still exists

And decide what to do with it

How to meet those needs

The only thing wrong you can ever do is to DELUDE yourself, pretend things are NOT what they are


The only thing wrong you can ever do is to DELUDE yourself, pretend things are NOT what they are

Pretend you don’t care — when you care

Pretend you care — when you don’t care

Pretend you’re “beyond” or “over” something — when clearly you’re not

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