
Truth Yields Superiority

Truth yields superiority


We don’t even have to define precisely what is “superior”

Truth still results in superiority

We could philosophically say that truth itself is superior, therefore results in superiority

But we can, for simplicity’s sake, just concede that:

In general, the more ACCURATE understanding of any given subject — the greater the ABILITY to MANIPULATE IT


Let’s oversimplify morality

Let’s assume that MORAL is to merely solve problems, reduce suffering, and bring about happiness

It of course helps if we have:

-better understanding of the problems, and how to solve them

-better understanding of suffering

-better understanding of happiness


Of course “Better understanding” doesn’t mean more nonsense superstitions, holy books, “ideas”. Better understanding must entail better manipulation of reality

Essentially better manipulation of reality is criterion for “better” understanding — and better understanding is how we better manipulate reality.

A bit of a circular definition, let’s just assume those are equivalent. Apparently it’s not obvious to everyone


Indeed, we don’t always immediately assume that anything SUPERIOR — is automatically result of SUPERIOR TRUTH

Mr president, mr billionaire, mr rapper — we often pedestal them, but also often don’t give them any more respect than we give to our dog

This is however again the same problem, with defining “superiority”

Perhaps there’s nothing superior about some junkie dregs of society rap “artist”

Perhaps the only “truth” at which it hints is backwards truth — of our society having became too jaded, and tolerant to the point of becoming self-destructive

Or perhaps there is THE truth behind it

E.g. the truth that our system is so efficient — that we can afford such vain and debouched entertainment

We can pay for his drugs and Ferrari

We can pay for the trial and prison, when he gets a bit too artistic for our sensitive tastes

We don’t immediately have to kill him, or even defund him. Because we’re so rich and effective

Perhaps the truth is that our understanding of PRODUCTIVITY, as a society, is so accurate, so effective — that we can dedicate some of that surplus to keep a pet monkey to entertain us



Let’s INDEED assume that ANYTHING SUPERIOR — IS INDEED automatically result of SUPERIOR TRUTH

Let’s take it even a step further — what if SUPERIOR TRUTH springs from SUPERIOR TRUTH-ACQUISITION METHOD?

What if some are superior at acquiring truth?

Some societies?

Some individuals?


When you look at it this way: superior is just superior

Meaning all superior is superior

Meaning all superior is admirable, is indicative of some greater performance, which is result of greater accuracy, which is result of greater understanding, which is result of superior truth

Is it so heterodoxical to say?

That wealth is superior and moral

That beauty is superior and moral

That morality and integrity are superior and moral?

That individual rights, AND collective success, are superior and moral? That the better we can maximise both, the more superior it is?

That high-performance is superior and moral?

That TECHNOLOGY is superior and moral?

That ORDER is superior and moral?


I don’t find it so shocking

But this is our reality, so we become so jaded with it all

That some weird thought sneaks into our head,

Maybe superior is actually inferior

Just like that celebrity, or mr president, or bigmouth billionaire


maybe it’s not,

Or maybe those are exceptions


And it’s result of superior TRUTH

Which, besides being useful,

Is also more moral


And of course

MAYBE inferior actually are inferior

Of course it’s not just individual’s fault — but their culture as a whole / environment as a whole

But again, it doesn’t matter whose “fault” it is

Inferior is inferior, superior is superior, end of the story

Do your best to get more of the superior

Best learn from your superiors

Because to get superior outcomes you need superior methods — not just the fruits of this superiority

Perhaps you’re doing something less than optimal

PERHAPS you’re just wrong about your values

OBVIOUSLY those are your values because you BELIEVE they are superior

But maybe, just maybe, they are actually inferior

If you had seen superior outcomes materialise, objectively seen it


Conclusion is

Superiority is superior

Superiority is moral

Superiority is truth, springs from superior truth


This is the thesis

There’s plenty anti-thesis, but this is the foundational assumption

Stop undermining it

Be proud of it

Take advantage of it

And share it with others

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