
I Am Not Anonymous


I’m not anonymous. My “real identity” is less real then any of my many parts.


It’s time at last we can abandon what we are not and be ourselves. We can express parts of ourselves otherwise deafened. We can channel them in a way which is precise and deliberate and true to our intent.


Anonymity is not evading responsibility because it is not intrinsically any less real then the real life identity.


Your anonymous persona fails like you do.

Your anonymous persona suffers rejection like you do.

Your anonymous persona compensates… like you do.

Your anonymous persona doesn’t know who he is – and neither do you.

Your anonymous persona dies like you do.


If your online iteration has value — it can lose value.

If it doesn’t — then it’s useless=harmless.

Your online persona bleeds like you do — unless it’s already dead (or unborn!)


Our real-life face doesn’t really make us more recognisable. We buy into the delusional narrative that the world cares about us, our face, our name and what-not. It doesn’t. T world only cares what it gets.


Anonymity reflects the uncanny truth that we all are, in fact, nameless and anonymous. Our name will be forgotten. Our legacy will be squandered and forgotten. Our fucking brand will be forgotten.

And it’s beautiful and it’s liberating – for it’s a promise of authenticity.