Lifestyle Spirituality

Changing Is So Easy

Changing is so easy

only when there is not all this resistance

making it so hard



One can’t just change his life

he must tell everybody about it

create all the stupid drama

stuff the whole thing with all this self-importance



The more you want to change the less you change



Act of wanting is act of self-assertiveness.

Self really only has one desire – to be permanent.

Permanence is not the change – but the opposite of it.

This is the paradox of wanting to change.



Changing is so easy when there is not this seriousness

not this drama

not this heaviness

not this desperation


it’s obviously the latter which is so exhausting

and not the change itself – which is swift, instantaneous



we think of all those emotions all this seriousness all this determination as of fuel for our change,

what we don’t see is that it is burden

all this energy is wasted

making storms in a teacup



Changing is so easy

I don’t believe many people are concerned with change

I think people are mostly concerned with their storm in a teacup



everyone in this world can do something entirely NEW on this very day


you could never do the same thing again

you could never have the same thought again


you could walk out on your entire life walk out on your entire past

never come back

right now



change is so easy

walk out

don’t come back


stop talking about it

talking is not doing – and it’s obviously hard to do something without doing it (but talking!)



change is so easy

just let things
