Nothing has meaning without context. Everything is relative.
If everything is dark than nothing is dark. Dark is only dark next to light.
Half of what we say is lost before we even said it
Because we simply utter it in the wrong context
If you talk about dark in utter darkness — your words are just meaningless
Everything is dark therefore nothing is dark therefore you’re not saying anything
If you talk about dark vs bright, when everyone is talking about pink vs blue — your words are just meaningless
They speak of how lovely pink is and how pink it is — and you respond with why dark is dark and what are the shades of dark
You’re talking about two different things
Why is only half of what we say lost? Why not more? Don’t we speak foolishly all the time?
Indeed we do
We foolishly regurgitate the same drivel that others shitted on us before
The world at least half the time repeats the same drivel
And the other half repeats the same rebellion against the first half
But the point is — when the majority regurgitates the same drivel — then at least they are speaking about the same thing
Their words are the same and thus their thoughts are the same and thus their explanations and thus their contexts and their assumptions are all the same
Since you’re repeating the same — you’re not really saying anything
But at least what you’re saying is meaningful in that context
Because what you’re saying is repeating the doctrine of that context, the common assumptions and beliefs held by most men
The other half of the time however what you’re saying has no meaning
The other half of the time you strive to be heterodoxical
You strive to be an individual
Maybe you just strive to be a little different
Or you simply strive to actually find the truth, because for once you realised that it serves you
And thus you address half of the world, the world regurgitating the drivel of the commonly held beliefs — and you address it with your new iconoclastic ideas
Alas the world doesn’t hear you
Alas the world doesn’t hear you
Because the world doesn’t understand you
And this is because you failed to RELATE your new ideas to THEIR IDEAS
You failed to provide the context
You failed to relate to their context
And you failed to explain that which goes beyond their context and their comprehension and therefore is NOT obvious therefore incomprehensible
You failed that because you don’t even realise the necessity of context
You don’t even realise that everything is relative
And you don’t realise it — because you’re a fucking conformist, a “normie”, a mindless person — who only inherited all his “original” and groundbreaking and progressive and superior values and ideas from EVERYONE ELSE AROUND THEM.
Therefore all you really learned is to communicate with people who BY DEFAULT share the same context as you do
Who by DEFAULT have the same assumptions as you do
And you thought you were being an INDIVIDUAL, just like you thought you had free will — simply because you couldn’t have predicted this thought which came next, in the shape and form in which it came,
But this doesn’t mean this thought was NOT predictable over the long run,
And it doesn’t mean it wasn’t really preordained from the start
And it doesn’t mean it wasn’t really just entirely an inexorable product of your environment
And when you finally uttered it — you felt very original
And the bubble around you heard it — and they thought it was very original
It was a very original reformulation of the same drivel you all believe in
And this, precisely, is why you never learned to SPECIFY THE CONTEXT
You never had to
Because nothing you ever said or thought really was original
Nothing you ever said or thought really expanded on what everyone around you already believed
And definitely nothing you ever said or thought really TRANSCENDED the paradigm of the world around you
So when finally, per chance, this day comes,
That your perspective actually is different
You will fail to articulate it
Because you won’t understand the necessity of declaring the context
You won’t understand the necessity of relating your premises to their premises
You won’t understand the necessity of speaking the same language
And this is why half of what you say is meaningless
Because it lacks context
And the other half is meaningful only because it’s what everyone else beliefs. So it really is meaningless as well, not because of how unrelatable it is — but because of being PERFECTLY relatable, without expanding even by a millimeter
The day of your perspective being different will come, actually
Bubbles are extremely powerful
But nevertheless humans are just too imperfect, too fickle and unstable to maintain a consistent set of beliefs
Even by the virtue of your poor memory — you will eventually become separated from the sheep around you
Or by the virtue of your inescapable egoism and greed
And you and your fellow sheep will disagree
And it would actually be a great thing
Maybe if you fucking sheep could disagree more often — you could learn to actually pursuit the truth
Doubt is the mother of enlightenment
However since you never truly disagreed when it mattered — you never learned to agree when it matters
And you never learned to ESTABLISH THE CONTEXT
You never learned to establish the common ground
And now you fail to agree
And now you fail to agree
And you speak “A” and I speak “B”
It’s all nonsense
You never learned to ground what you’re saying to the reality of the other person
They never learned to do it either
You’ll speak two different languages
I of course see it all the time
I see it in serious matters and tedious matters
I see it with man deep within their bubble and I see it with wasps threshing between different bubbles
I see you criticise something — but your criticism is meaningless.
It doesn’t even pick up from what has already been said before you — let alone put a cherry on top by ACTUALLY providing solutions
I see you say you believe something — but your belief is meaningless.
It in no way relates to the whole of the context, the assumptions and premises and ideas and relations
It merely sounds good
And it’s not even practical. It’s not an expedient estimation, a practical estimation necessary to make practical decision immediately
It’s a belief for the sake of belief
And what meaning does it have?
Not unless it relates thoughtfully to all that you know and all that you could know about the larger context in which it exists
Half the time what you say has meaning because it is a dull repetition, regurgitation of what everyone else is saying
It’s ultimately meaningless however because it leads nowhere. And that’s even assuming that it’s right. Which it rarely is. Consensus knows only as much “truth” as necessary to maintain the status quo
The other half the time, or perhaps more, or perhaps less, something causes you to speak AGAINST the commonly held beliefs: around you, or in general
And you utter your meaningless hot take
Without relating you to the whole that preceded it
And you achieve nothing
And you even thinking this way, WITHOUT THE CONTEXT, achieves nothing
It’s as meaningless
Saying “I disagree” is worth as much as saying “I’m going left not right”.
After you said it — now it’s time to walk
Only then is the meaning acquired
You said you disagree — now it’s time to prove WHY one should think different, WHY one should go different
Now it’s time to develop it, expound it, and explain it
If it doesn’t require explanation then it’s old and stale and threadbare and therefore meaningless
But if it requires explanation and context, and you fail to provide it — then it’s meaningless because it relates to nothing and is founded on nothing
Learn to think and learn to speak