Lifestyle Philosophy World

About Offending People

Being offensive is some of the most misunderstood subjects today

A kind of confusion of true individuality and personal strength — with mere appearance of the irreverent badass, so strong so as to not have to worry about anyone’s opinion, or love

I wrote about it here: Politeness vs Bluntness vs Hostile


There’s offending people by the virtue of who you are

You are there minding your own business

Doing best you can

Believing what you believe

And VOLUNTARILY engaging in business and social relationships with people

And some people don’t like what you do, for whatever reason

And some people don’t think you’re doing well enough (Or perhaps they think you’re doing too well)

And some don’t share your beliefs

And some didn’t enjoy their relationship with you

And it’s ok

But some of them will be offended

By your mere existence


And if you ever tasted freedom, ever tasted strength — you become very disillusioned with this idea of pleasing everyone

And you remember how disgusting it felt to pretend you were someone else, to be so fucking fake

And you remember how disgusting it felt to worry about what others think

So it becomes quite intoxicating to NOT have to please everyone


And it becomes quite intoxicating to be a LITTLE bit offensive



But being OFFENSIVE is not the point, is it

The point is freedom

The point is real power

Being offensive IN AND OF ITSELF is no power

If anything , it actually IS a liability

Why would you like to make enemies?

How is having enemies NOT a liability?


You don’t want to fear making enemies, and compromise who you are and what you do because of that

But if there’s no compromise involved — then why would you make enemies?

Why would you offend anyone?

Why would you upset someone?

Why would you ruin someone’s day?


And is that “powerful”?

To have to ruin someone’s day, to make yourself feel stronger?

To have to elicit a REACTION from someone, to make yourself feel stronger?

You actually become the very thing you were setting out NOT to be

You became a SLAVE to the REACTION of others

It’s just that in this case you don’t merely feed on the approval — but also on disapproval, on outrage


Culture and politeness and savoir-vivre exist, and existed for a reason

The recent:

progressive undermining of hierarchies

-undermining of institutions

-amplification of the extremes


hasn’t done as any favour

Some of us do get a little bit more emboldened to ACTUALLY LIVE and GO after WHAT THEY WANT, and challenge themselves

I’m a big fan of that

The danger is they will also become radicalised

And indeed radicalised is what most become — alas without the benefit of actually becoming any stronger, or any more independent

Just radical

Just arrogant


Let’s end this madness

All the offensiveness you shall “need” shall follow from just actually embracing WHO YOU ARE

(this is very difficult, mind you, because by default we’re all fucking fake. hence too the appeal to being more polarising and offensive — as a substitute for realness)

You don’t need to add more offensiveness

Quite the opposite

You should be more kind and loving

NOT EVER at the expense of what you believe

NOT EVER at the expense of truth

But indeed, once your position is TRANSPARENTLY KNOWN,

Then the only thing left is to give some love

Show that we are all in this together

Because we obviously are

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