Accepting is but full comprehension of the situation.
That involves comprehending what is possible within the situation, what is not possible, and what it not known to be possible.
”Resignation” is failure to comprehend the situation.
It denotes failure to comprehend the possibilities within the situation, the actions which can be taken.
It also involves an emotional attitude — which again, is a sign of failure of comprehension. What is not fully comprehended is what causes emotions to linger.
I want you to be simple.
I want you to be simple and do the best you can, try out things
I want you to be simple and open-mindedly explore every situation you’re in
Want you to examine it and penetrate it
Want you to discover what is possible, what more can be done
I want you to be simple
I want you to withheld judgement about your situation, I want you to not compare it to anything
I want you to only focus on THE NEXT THING, the NEXT STEP, the NEXT MOVE, the NEXT DOING,
It really doesn’t matter whether you’re in a palace or in the fucking gutter — the direction is the same — UP
I want you to be simple for then you avoid the insidious pitfalls of HOPE — or lack thereof — “RESIGNATION”
I want you to be simple and see the situation clearly, ACCEPT IT, refrain from nonsense overblowing it, refrain from comparing it, refrain from SPECULATING about it,
Then just DOING the next thing, simple next thing,
Again, parts of you will refuse to accept, seeing it as a form of defeat,
Reality is just what it is. You don’t win by denying it. You don’t win by denying it — therefore you might as well ACCEPT IT for what it is.
And again: sometimes you will “resign”, you will give up – which is nonsense
There’s nothing to give up on — there’s always something to do — always — until you’re fucking dead
Please be simple