
Adults Aren’t Mature, Just Stuck Up

Adults are not more mature and serious,

They are only less cheerful and playful, more stuck up and fucking lame and uncool


Kids are fun and mischievous and bubbly

They are also inexperienced and irresponsible and unserious


Most adults are inexperienced

Life is vast

Most man did fuck all

Their experience is closer to 0 than it is to the total of what there is to be experienced


Most adults are irresponsible and unserious

They go to work but have no wealth plan

They want things but have no plan how to acquire them

They have problems but no plan how to solve them, or prevent them

They fail, they get upset and depressed, but make no serious attempts at improvement, at preventing those mistakes, at making a change

There’s no accountability, no responsibility


There’s really not much more responsibility in average adult’s life than there is in teenager’s life

The latter at least has the fire


How do we even mature?

By successfully solving different problems

By successfully solving harder and harder problems


We live in the times where one can get by with solving close to no fucking problems whatsoever

Safe environment, ideological bubble, a cushy pointless job, painkillers and boredom killers, and life dedicated to entertainment and distractions

Our ancestors might NOT have been the most rounded, civilised, mellowed of human,

But they likely have eaten enough shit by the time they were 25 — to know the meaning of the words FORTITUDE and DUTY


We’re irresponsible, immature, unserious

And as we get older we get more and more boring

Most man die at what? 25? 20? Then just wait to be buried

The joy dies, the playfulness dies, the passion dies, the fun dies, the lightness dies

Not because any maturity is acquired

Not because there’s more responsibilities

It’s because hope dies

Complacency settles

Attachment settles


Your life can be shit, but you become very serious about it

If it’s more shit, chances are you’re even more serious about coping and rationalising it

You make an important face to conceal that you’re unimportant

To pretend that there’s anything important in your life

And to justify why you’re so attached to it all, even if it sucks

You’re attached because you’re scared

When you were younger at least you didn’t give a fuck, you weren’t scared yet

If you were brave you also wouldn’t be scared today, without the foolishness of the youth

If you were overcoming harder and harder challenges you wouldn’t be scared today

Instead you’re scared, therefore paralysed, therefore weak,

And then serious, very serious about pretending that you’re strong

And stuck-up


This is all backwards


It doesn’t have to be


First drop the pretence

Your life is NOT your DREAM LIFE

Therefore there’s nothing to be proud of, nothing to be so serious about, nothing to be so attached to


Once you admit that, smile a little

Let it go

And once you’re more neutral — NOW look at something which GENUINELY inspires you

Find that one thing which still rouses GENUINE FIRE in you

Go DO that thing

Go FUEL that thing

See how it feels


Now, THAT is something to be serious about.

Not this FAKE LIFE you’re living because you had to, because life have made you this way

The REAL LIFE you want to live

The REAL YOU you want to be

That is something to be serious about

Not this average mediocrity which you inherited from the, by definition, average world


And the MEANING OF SERIOUS is now to do EVERYTHING to bring about that VISION

That is seriousness


You recognised what you TRULY must be

You recognised what you TRULY must do, to be alive

Now SERIOUSLY go do it

Find ways to do it


And when you do it — have FUN with it


….PROVIDED you’re living well

If you’re living shit fake life, and pretend it’s roses — you have little fun (and plenty false seriousness to pretend it’s meaningful and important)

When you’re living authentic and JOYOUS life — of course you’re laughing, of course you’re loving


Adults are just kids — but with full responsibility for their place in this world

There’s no reason to DIE inside, to watch one’s DREAMS DIE, to watch one’s SPIRIT DIE, one’s IMAGINATION DIE, one’s FIRE die

But there must be the ADAPTATION to now find ways to LIVE THAT DREAM in the REAL WORLD

Not in the toy world

Not in the sheltered world

REAL world

Where it hurts to fail

But you learn to do it anyway

You don’t cry but overcome

And design your own dream life